"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (381)

This entry is the last of the series which I have posted daily for the past year. These are messages of love and inspiration which were received by my sister, Nancy from her Angels and Guides. I hope they bring you the sense of peace and serenity which they have given me . . .

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Understand that WITH God’s loving help, you can persevere through the darkest hour and come out on top of the world. That is where you are now; you have come through the darkness and are preparing to step into the bright light of day. It matters not what your personal body clock says, day can happen in the deepest midnight. It is more of a reckoning, a reconciliation with the self, the knowing that your future is bright and filled with sunshine and flowers; that butterflies share their precious selves with you, they make you one of their own. You can fly on the wing of a bird and hear the tiniest sigh of the nightingale as she sings to her young. It is to be alive and free and experiencing the joy of life as it presents itself to you. No longer are you bound by conventional wisdom, rather you share in the wisdom of the ages. You have accepted God into your life, into your heart and you now recognize the power He has to bestow on all who understand, accept and believe. It is not a matter of religion, for surely you know that that is the form that man has used to accept the tenets of His soul; to live the way of purity and sanity; to love all manner of creatures, whether their skin or voice are different, or whether they have fur and claws. You know to understand humanity, you must first start with yourself. For therein lies the key. You can have access to all the universe has to offer, simply for the asking and the believing and the sharing of wealth. DO it because you understand the importance of this in the new millennium, so that the vibration can be raised and the culture can exist in peace and harmony. Good luck and Godspeed.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (380)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Now is the time to raise your voices in a higher vibration to see and truly live the possibilities as they were meant to be. God loves all men; He wants all men, women, children, animals to love each other with the same strict code of unconditionality. Unconditional means that no matter what a person does, you recognize the God within, the angel within, the light that lives deep within the person’s soul; that you respect, honor and love that person for that which lies within. You say you cannot do this? Well, surely, you know that you are made in God's image and, therefore, you can, you will, you must, in order to seek your next higher level of development. You must treat all with the respect and kindness that you would give to a small child or a baby animal.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (379)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Never doubt your power, nor the power of God for one minute. He sees all, controls all and can give all to you, too. If you believe, it makes it easier. The most important thing for you to know or the most important lesson for you to learn in this life is that God does love you. He can only love you. Even when you do not love yourself He recognizes that part of Himself deep inside of you and loves you nonetheless. You can turn away from Him, you can scorn Him, you get defame and defile His name, but still He loves on. Why is this you ask? Well that is the way He is.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (378)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Time to think about what you want from the future; dream it, acknowledge it and it will be yours.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (377)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Many is the man that is pure of heart, lucky is the fellow who haps onto this kind; for true friendship is a gift to be cherished.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (376)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Speak ye of truthfulness, not lies. See ye with the heart of a child, and all will be clear.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (375)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fear will be your undoing, to be sure, for it will not allow you to take the chance you want; whether on a joint venture, or a relationship or the opportunity to do what you have always wanted.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (374)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

All things come in their due time; just enjoy your life.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (373)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Do not be afraid of the unknown, rather view it as an exciting opportunity for adventure.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (372)

Friday, September 11, 2009

If you see scorn in another's eyes, DO not allow yourself to be drawn to another's level unless it is your desire to do so. If you react with malice in your heart, how much better are you than the one who scorns you? Do you not see that all of mankind ARE equal, none is the better, nor is any the worse. God loves each and every one of you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (371)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Animals see the light, too; that is why they are not afraid of death. They know the peace it brings to their tiny souls, and they relish the warmth of the Lord.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (370)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Just when you think you are boxed into a corner, the Lord opens a door for you and it usually is a much better door.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (369)

Monday, September 8, 2009

Never take things that do not belong to you, for in that act you give the universe permission to have others take things from YOU. And they may not always take material things, so be careful. What you do to others, how you treat them, comes back to you tenfold. If you take unbidden, without permission, then you will want for many things. If you give your love freely to all men, then you will have the riches of all time.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (368)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Protect those who seek to harm you, it shows greatness of character. Do what YOU must to protect yourself, but remember always that God has His hand on your shoulder; guiding, guarding and protecting.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (367)

September 6, 2009

Just be patient with yourself and remember to enjoy each and every day as the gift it is intended to be.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (366)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Health of the body is so important; but, so too, is health of the spirit. Try to slip in some meditation on a daily basis.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (365)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Quiet your mind and you can hear your inner voice guiding you. That voice is the God within. Do not be afraid to listen to your gut; it serves you well.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (364)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Now is the time to seize the day; live each day as if it were your last and you will have no regrets. Learn all you can from your stay here on this earth plane, and you will be rewarded with a knowledge of the ages. Seek to find the answers to your questions, and the way will be made known to you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (363)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

God loves a good story with a happy ending. He likes good literature, as well as the next guy. He is not a person, in the sense of flesh and blood, but He has human qualities. None of us here are persons in the human sense, but we are the essence of a person. The soul, spirit, whatever you wish to call it, that is what we are. That is why it matters not what the shell looks like, but rather what the soul looks like, what it reflects through the eyes.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (362)

Monday, September 1, 2009

Go easy on yourself and enjoy life. Sleep when you are tired; work when you must; enjoy at all times. Work can be fun, too, you know.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (361)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Good things are indeed coming for the planet. There will come a time when there will be no wars, no hatred and all men will see beyond the physical to the precious spirit inside.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (360)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The discovery is an important part in any quest; for learning the questions as well as discovering the answers is what it is all about.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (359)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

God watches over all creatures, large and small. He loves them all equally, but has a special place for man because there is a part of Him in each of us.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (358)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Be honest and true to yourself; your goals, your desires and your beliefs. Control only your own life; your own actions; and, your own tongue.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (357)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Remember to ask for what you want, say, "Dear Lord, or great universe, I want ________" (fill in the blank). Before you know it, you will indeed have what you want.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (356)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eventually most of us will either go back to earth in the physical form or go up a step here. Once we move up, we can no longer directly communicate to you, only through an intermediary. That is okay, if any of us have an urgent message, we will make sure you get it. Your soul is older and more developed and you are receptive. Those that are not willing to listen are not ready yet; are not at that point in their development where they can hear such things. That is just fine, for all are at different developmental levels. It does not make one better that the other, just different and closer to the end of the line (this IS a good thing indeed, because going back to earth in the physical form is not always a fun time, as you well know).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (355)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When you look at someone and see the love of God in their eyes and glowing all around them, how can you hate them because of their skin?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (354)

Monday, August 24, 2009

If you think that you have lost your way, but you are still on a journey, is it not possible that this particular journey has taken a different route? Perhaps you are not lost, at all, but merely looking to a new way of things, or mayhap to a new adventure of sorts. To think that you are truly lost is a sure signal that you are not. Someone who IS really lost has no idea of any direction, so they do not realize that they are not on the path they want to be on.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (353)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It is okay to feel anger or frustration, but do not let those and other negative emotions get the better of you, or let them fester until they burst and the poison goes back to you, okay?

Messages from the Spirit World (342)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Surprises are God's way of letting you know you need not take things so seriously.

Messages from the Spirit World (341)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

If you want to give money to panhandlers, that is okay; some will use it for liquor, but others will buy much needed food; it is not up to you to judge.

Messages from the Spirit World (340)

Monday, August 10, 2009

There are numerous opportunities every day to grow, and we all have the opportunity to do great things with our lives. They might not always make us famous, but great things, nonetheless.

Messages from the Spirit World (339)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Now is the time to accept what you cannot comprehend: it is call faith. God rest you weary souls unto the departed of this plane; they now rest comfortably as youths in the kingdom of the Light. They are loved, cherished and safe from all harm, fear and disease. They have a new life, but do not forget the ones they left behind.

Messages from the Spirit World (338)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

If you see yourself only speaking with the special, sacred and white angels, then that is how it will be. If you do not believe evil will harm you, if you have refused to allow it to be within the realm of possibilities for you, it will not harm you. So, too, if you see yourself as unable to fail; you will never fail, for that is not within the realm of your possibilities, either.

Messages from the Spirit World (337)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Miracles do happen. It is God's way to help those in need; those who truly need the help.

Messages from the Spirit World (336)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You control your destiny. Life is a series of choices; some are smart, some are lame. Often, it is the choices that seem bad from which we learn the most. So, from a spiritual perspective, those "bad" choices are not bad at all. We are here to live and learn; to grow and to develop ourselves; and, to have some fun, too.

Messages from the Spirit World (335)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If you see with your mind's eye, and the eyes of a child, you will be able to see past the inequities that some men have made of your world, to the heart of what matters, and that is, of course, love. Love above all else; Love first, last and always. Love before and after. And in between.

Messages from the Spirit World (334)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do not fear the dark, the unknown, for with God's love you will be safe.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (333)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Do not waste your time on matters not near to your heart. If you do, you will be pulled here and there and feel as if you never accomplish a single thing.

Messages from the Spirit World (332)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We can ALL have whatever we want, as long as it is for the most high, good and does not harm anyone else. If all men have all they need, the desire to conquer will be greatly diminished. Greed will fade as those who have, know that they will always have; and, crime will diminish as those that do not have, know that they, too, will always have, if it is their desire. The universe has so much, so many resources; there is more than enough for all people. They must ask the universe for it every day until it is theirs.

Messages from the Spirit World (331)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

You HAVE chosen your life as it is now. You may think that fate or some other force has done this to you, but really YOU have made it, through the choices you have made each and every day.

Messages from the Spirit World (330)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Do not call someone a derogatory name in the heat of anger, for the name hangs with their spiritual body for a long time. When you are afraid of someone, or angry at someone, just say, "I love you, for you are a human being with the heart of an angel and I ask the Lord for a blessing for you.

Messages from the Spirit World (329)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

When the student is ready, the teacher will find him.

Messages from the Spirit World (328)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dogs see things differently; to them, their life seems to stretch on and on, so, when the end is here for them (for their physical form) they are indeed happy to go to the light. They proceed much as human spirits do; they separate from their body and go into the fourth dimension, toward the light, there they wait until their human joins them.

Messages from the Spirit World (327)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Perhaps when you look into your own soul you see the seed of darkness, but we are here to tell you all that is simply not true. For in each and every man, woman and child lies a heart of an angel; a part of God buried so deep that it is in the very foundation of humankind.

Messages from the Spirit World (326)

Monday, July 27, 2009

There is always a new horizon just beyond the bend, and it is yours to behold. It is never too late to start anew; this must never be forgotten. If you want, you CAN teach old dogs, new tricks; they might even find them entertaining.

Messages from the Spirit World (325)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Lord does indeed exist and He is among us today. He walks beside us all, watching and protecting. Be safe in that knowledge; that you are never really alone.

Messages from the Spirit World (352)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eventually, we all must pass from the earthly form to spirit form once again. How often this happens is really up to the individual. You can live for many hundreds of years in this body if you desire. Even with the pollutants clogging up the environment, you can live a long, long and productive life. You can also choose to check out early, as many do when staying in the hotel. Or, in keeping with the same analogy, you can ask for a late check out. So you see once again, there is more evidence that each man controls his own destiny, and it matters not so much what happens to him in that lifetime, but rather, how he reacts to it. It is all in the reality you make for yourself. So easy this is, and so many make it so hard for themselves. What you do on a day to day basis IS not that important, But rather the trends and the goals you set for yourself, and the fears you conquer are important. God will allow you to do whatever it is you want, and will be there for love and support along the way.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (351)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Be selfish enough to take care of the physical form. Eat right, sleep enough, move your body and have fun. This last ingredient is just as important as eating well. You must enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. If not, what purpose is living?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (350)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Do not beg, but say what you want. Begging implies a sense of desperation or unworthiness; both of which are negative.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (349)

Tuesday, August 19, 2009

There is nothing wrong with loving money, as long as you put in in perspective. It is not the devil, nor is it the reason for living; it, rather, is just a facilitator, one of many. You can get much done without the aid of money, no? Life is not free, for you must pay with your honesty and integrity. You must develop who you are to have the quality and quantity of life that you desire.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (348)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If you see the way you want to go, then what is stopping you from going there? If you cannot see the way, why not? Have you blinded yourself with blinders? Perhaps you do not want to see that the block you have created is nothing but air and smoke? If you are unhappy with your situation, think about what you want in life; about how you want your daily activity to be; and, then you will be on your way.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (347)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our imperfections are what make us special. If a spirit is perfect, it does not need to be on the earth plane.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (346)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The birds watch all and they see when you are not happy. They carry the power of freedom in their wings; the next time you are feeling trapped, remember that you do have wings and can fly, can soar over the highest hurdle, no obstacle is too great for you, once you make your mind to it. The Lord will always be by your side too, helping to push you when you need it, carrying you when you need it, and giving you a gentle hand when you need that, too.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (345)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

If you gamble or work or play solely for the end result of money, or winning, then you have missed the whole idea. You should do it for the pleasure of working, or playing or gambling. The things you get from it are secondary.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (344)

Friday, August 14, 2009

The body is incredible in its abilities to adapt to any situation. Even at an advanced age, say 80 or better, the body can build itself and become stronger.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (343)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

If you see a man you fear, look deep into his eyes. If his soul smiles back at you, be at peace. IF you meet with the dark embers of an embittered person, then realize the soul has not had much of a chance to be seen yet, and high-tail it out of there!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (324)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Spirits are funny creatures. They want all to be happy and for happy endings to be the norm. However, they are not beyond a good practical joke, and they love to laugh. Most have a great sense of humor; as love and humor are the two things that follow us into the next dimension.

Messages from the Spirit World (323)

Friday, July 24, 2009

The first major step is as simple as knowing what you want. Those other things are important, too, such as: asking or stating what you want; and, visualizing and correcting inconsistent behavior and thoughts; but the core is really knowing what you want and understanding that you have the power to change.

Messages from the Spirit World (322)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you do what you want, or do you do what others think you should do? Who is another to choose what is best for your soul? Even God cannot do that, for He has blessed you with free will. Only you can know what is best for YOUR soul; and, however well intentioned another person, let their decisions be about their own behavior.

Messages from the Spirit World (321)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The start of the new moon cycle is also a time of rebirth, or coming together of plans and ideas and putting them into action.

Messages from the Spirit World (320)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The outer trappings do not make the man. It IS the content of his character that matters; how much integrity he has; and, how true he is to his own soul.

Messages from the Spirit World (319)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fear not what the unknown is, for God is there to hold your hand when you are scared and lift you up when you are tired. Do not doubt for one instant that He is in you, and everywhere.

Messages from the Spirit World (318)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

There is no need for hostilities and anger; they will get you nowhere fast. Be calm and try to understand another's point of view. You may find that it is not so different from your own.

Messages from the Spirit World (317)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Know your own soul, your own way and make your own peace. We are each alone on our journeys, but connected in the same way. God watches and sees and knows all, and He approves. Love to you now, and throughout time. Your friends through the ages . . .

Messages from the Spirit World (316)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Take advantage of the rich resources the world has to offer, but make sure to give a little back; that is the cycle of life.

Messages from the Spirit World (315)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Find your true self in the inner you, and the light of God's love shining through your eyes will make you beautiful to all who have the good fortune to see your smile. In each of us there is an angel, wanting to be set free.

Messages from the Spirit World (314)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All of us in the human form have lessons to learn, and some of us learn quicker than others. If someone seems to be having recurring negative experiences, it is because he or she has not learned the lesson from them. This will continue until the lesson is learned, or the soul will return in the next life to live in the same manner. It really is much simpler than it seems.

Messages from the Spirit World (313)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God loves all men; He even loves those who scorn him. He has a great capacity for love and can give it, all the time, to all men equally. It is your choice to accept and relish in it or not.

Messages from the Spirit World (312)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sometimes when the body gets sick, it is because the mind has ignored it, and it needs the attention and the time of your focus. Sickness is one way this happens. When you are ill, you can only focus on taking care of necessary business and then getting some rest; in this way, you pamper yourself. You know you can pamper yourself without the necessity of the illness.

Messages from the Spirit World (311)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

There is but one God, but He can be perceived by the human mind as many different things. As long as you know this higher power exists and trust in it, how you visualize it makes no matter.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (310)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Seek the help of others, for no man is intended to go it alone. That is why God put all men so close together. If we didn’t need each other to survive, there would be only one.

Messages from the Spirit World (309)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Seek the truth above all else and you will always be on the right path. Be true to your purpose and your soul, and you will flourish.

Messages from the Spirit World (308)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

God loves you, and no matter what you do, He will always love you, okay? Do you understand how liberating this is? That no matter what bad thing it is that you think you have done, God will still love you for always and forever.

Messages from the Spirit World (307)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If you see the way, and you know the way, what is the problem? Why are you preventing yourself from getting to the place you want? Is it possible that you do not want that, after all?

Messages from the Spirit World (306)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Do not worry about how you look but rather about the kind of person you are. Are you kind and loving? Do you criticize too quickly? Do you covet what others have and become jealous. The truth is that for each and every action, there is a reaction, for that is the way of the universe. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Messages from the Spirit World (305)

Monday, July 6, 2009

What matters is the experiences you have had, what you have done with your life and how you have treated people. Have you wasted too much of yours on silliness? Well, what constitutes silliness? If it is wasteful to you, then it is so. But what is waste to one is treasure to another. So, do not be quick to judge another, as you never know what is their treasure or their trash.

Messages from the Spirit World (304)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If all men understand that we are part of each other; that to hurt another human is to truly hurt oneself, then there will be no need for violence, for wars and for aggression. So much more can be accomplished through cooperation.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (303)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pray for peace to descend on earth, as did the manna from heaven so many years ago, and it shall be so. There is a possibility of peace in your lifetime, if the vibration of the planet can be raised enough. Rest assured it will come, so does it matter if you see it from this side or the other? Know that God watches out for all.

Messages from the Spirit World (302)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Make your peace with God now. Make peace with the tender soul inside of you and you will be able to live every day as it comes and see the beauty in each waking moment.

Messages from the Spirit World (301)

Thursday, June 2, 2009

Be kind to those you meet, even if they are rough with you. You do not know what they are thinking or feeling at that precise moment when you enter their aura; so be patient.

Messages from the Spirit World (300)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Go into the light whenever you can, be it with others who pray or just sitting in quiet meditation.

Messages from the Spirit World (299)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do not think the Lord has forsaken you if the way looks dark. He is giving you the choices in your life at those times.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (298)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Do not worry about the little things, just know and accept that all will be well, according to the Divine Plan. And the big things? You ask for those things that you want and expect that it shall be so. What is the point of worrying? There is no point, and that is OUR point, indeed.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (297)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You should always follow your intuition. It will serve you well.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (296)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

If you do something, then do it. If you have no desire to do something, then by all means, avoid it. There are times, however, when you may not want to do something, but desire the outcome; it is the same as desiring the action. Be consistent in your love, your actions and your thoughts; venture into unknown territories and know yourself, above all.

Messages from the Spirit World (295)

Friday, June 26, 2009

DO not underestimate the power of a strong soul. It can go a long way toward pushing the body forward.

Messages from the Spirit World (294)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cats are special creatures. They see all and make no judgments. They are true existential beings; living in the here and now, much as humans should do.

Messages from the Spirit World (293)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do not let others try to sway you into doing something their way. Only you know what is best for you and it is your duty to follow your heart.

Messages from the Spirit World (292)

Tuesday, June 23, 2209

Death and darkness do not go hand in hand. In fact, they are extreme opposites. Death is a beginning, a way to the light. It is a new opportunity for all men to be on equal footing, to see their mistakes and to understand what they are meant to do.

Messages from the Spirit World (290)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice (first day of summer) - The summer solstice is most powerful, and magical miracles have been know to happen then. Ask for what you want a minimum of ten times that day; an ideal day of this sort would be spent in quiet meditation, but that is not always possible.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (291)

Monday, June 22, 2009

See the man who wears his heart upon his sleeve and you shall see a true and tender man, indeed. It takes a strong man to acknowledge that he has the strength to be tender.

Messages from the Spirit World (289)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Now is the time to act, for no one, NO ONE is assured another day on this planet. The message is to remember that life is short and it should be sweet. Take the time to spend an extra special moment with your child; or rub the dog's belly; or, watch a butterfly in its ascent to the sky.

Messages from the Spirit World (288)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Suffering need not be a way of life; if you suffer, you choose to. Even in the worse case scenario, you can be happy, or at the very least, optimistic; you do not have to wallow in self-pity.

Messages from the Spirit World (287)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

There are angels, guides and loved ones with all people, watching over and protecting. Those who have a stronger faith in the beyond have more protection. That does not mean that nothing 'bad' will ever happen, for remember, painful experiences are, many times, opportunities for growth.

Messages from the Spirit World (286)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Look not to the cloudy sky and see misery. Look instead and see the many swirling clouds, the mystery of the heavens moving around you, and know that there is a reason why some days are gray and some days are blue.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (285)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We make mistakes to learn; and that is our mission on this earth plane.

Messages from the Spirit World (284)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Do not worry about anything, especially money; for the worry brings much negative energy to the object or situation in mind. If you think you will not have enough money, then guess what? You won't. IF you know, trust and believe that the good Lord and the bountiful universe will provide all that you need, and do not worry about it, then you will indeed have it all. Believe, trust and then LET IT GO.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (283)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Listen to your heart, for it alone will guide you in the right direction . . .

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (282)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

There are only so many ways to say: you are to love all men as yourself; you are to recognize the God within yourself; and, you must have respect for all living things. If you do this, you will be doing your part toward the attainment of world peace.

Messages from the Spirit World (281)

Friday, June 12, 2009

If you see something that you want, do not covet it, but rather ask the Lord to make it your own. Do not be jealous of another who may have said object (or relationship), but ask that one like it belong to you, too. Rejoice in their success, in their happiness, and know that it is their turn. Your turn will come, too; you have to believe this.

Messages from the Spirit World (280)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Soothe your soul and your body; be kind and gentle with yourself. Remember, that deep inside lies the heart of an angel, the spirit which is God; and treat yourself accordingly.

Messages from the Spirit World (279)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Starting now, this minute is the next moment of your life; each moment is a new beginning. We are stuck with nothing that we don't want; we can rid ourselves of unwanted behaviors or activities at any time.

Messages from the Spirit World (278)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

God sends his blessings in many ways. From the smallest creature to the largest, He works in ways which are only mysterious to us because we do not understand them.

Messages from the Spirit World (277)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Always do what you know deep in your heart is the right thing. Does wasting and spending too much money go against God and is it a 'sin'? No, not unless it is done with the intent to harm another, to make another suffer or be uncomfortable or be in danger. This is what angers God. You have to account for your bad moves. If done with intention, He will make things more uncomfortable for you so you can understand how the person you hurt is feeling.

Messages from the Spirit World (276)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

When something troubles you, just give it up to God. Take a deep breath and know that it will work out okay.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (275)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The conscious mind and the spirit do not always work in harmony. There may be times when the physical self wants something, but the mental and emotional and spiritual sides say no; and then it shall not come to pass. The human side, however, is not aware of this and assumes that he is not getting what he wants. This does not happen often, but it does occur.

Messages from the Spirit World (274)

Friday, June 5, 2009

It is good to look into the soul of every man and see the good, therein; but do not put your own soul or the body that houses it into jeopardy. Do you understand? It is imperative that you protect yourself at all times; we all must do this. It can be done by placing the white light around you, or by whatever means you feel comfortable.

Messages from the Spirit World (273)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

There will come a time when there is peace in this world. Ask for it, and it will happen.

Messages from the Spirit World (272)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Seek not to harm others, and then you shall not be harmed in turn. Seek to help your fellow man in need, without judgment or prejudice, and you, in turn, shall be helped when you are in need of a hand.

Messages from the Spirit World (271)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Asking for what you want deals with a higher power; affirmations deal with your higher self. Both will guarantee results, and both are powerful.

Messages from the Spirit World (270)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Go to parties and have fun. Work is good but life was meant to enjoy.

Messages from the Spirit World (269)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

You do not have to profess the love of all mankind, just show it. For many, words are meaningless and action is what counts.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (268)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

DO not be blinded by the subtle; sometimes opportunities are there, right in front of us, and appear to be roadblocks. They are not.

Messages from the Spirit World (267)

Friday, May 29, 2009

If you see the way as fraught with tragedy, then that is how it shall be for you. If you see your path as strewn with wild flowers and roses, then guess what, that is how it will be. How much do we have to explain to you, that is it YOUR reality that you see, that you seek, and no one else’s. You can experience all that life has to offer and come out a winner. See the possibilities, and then feel them too, for that is how you will accomplish all that you want.

Messages from the Spirit World (266)

Thursday, May, 28, 2009

Many disasters are preventable; prayer can work miracles toward preventing them.

Messages from the Spirit World (265)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Be kind to all you meet. Share your smile with a stranger. It will make you feel good, and the stranger, too.

Messages from the Spirit World (264)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Breathe deeply when you have doubts or cannot come up with the information you request; it will help you clear your consciousness. The answers that you want are locked deep in your heart.

Messages from the Spirit World (263)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Celebrate the freedom of your country and be proud of the grand nation. God bless.

Messages from the Spirit World (262)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The truth of the person lies in their heart, not their bank book. When God looks upon the works of a lifetime, He does not measure success by how many homes you own, or by how many companies you have acquired; but rather, by how many lives you have touched. This is not to imply that material funds are bad, quite the contrary; the universe is wondrous and bountiful, and you can and should have all that you desire.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (261)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Remember, each new step you take is a learning process; and, the essential part of learning is failure. If you got everything the first time, wouldn't that be a bore?

Messages from the Spirit World (260)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Go now to the light, see the angels dancing in the Lord's heavenly embrace. You, too, can embrace the light; it is all around you and is there but for the asking.

Messages from the Spirit World (259)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The souls of man and animal are destined to be together; so one will seek out the other. Animals have a greater sense of belongingness than humans.

Messages from the Spirit World (258)

Thursday, May 20, 2009

Do what you want, when you want, as long as you do not interfere with the Divine Plan.

Messages from the Spirit World (257)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just imagine yourself the way you want to be; see your life the way you think you want it and it shall be that way. DO NOT accept ANY obstacles, for in your life, in your vision, they do not exist. See the possibility; feel the options; and, breathe life into what you want. Really, it IS that simple.

Messages from the Spirit World (256)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Take time out each and every day to thank the good Lord for all that He has given you. Be thankful for the air that you breathe; Be thankful that you CAN breathe . . . take nothing for granted.

Messages from the Spirit World (255)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The luck is always with you, whether you believe it or not. The more you accept this, the more you choose to believe it, then the more it will come to pass; that it will manifest for you. See the way you want to go. It is imperative that you understand that you control your own being. If you do not like something, then it is up to you to change it. There IS no reason to be miserable, for you control your own outcomes.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (254)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Do not perseverate on the things you have done that you wish you had not; nor, on those things you wish you would have done differently. Regret is not a positive emotion. It is certainly all right to have negative emotions, as these are all a part of what makes us human, but please do not focus on them, for heaven's sake.

Messages from the Spirit World (253)

Friday, May 15, 2009

If you see the possibilities in someone, you will not be surprised when they rise to your level of expectation. If you see someone as a failure, then, too, do not be surprised when they fail. Words and thoughts are powerful things, indeed.

Messages from the Spirit World (252)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Do not despair when the road seems long. It is paved with many opportunities, and the Lord will never let you struggle alone. He understands your burdens, and will do what He can to lighten the load; but learning is part of why we are here, so to ease the way completely, would deny you the opportunity to learn. He must strike a careful balance between the two, and He has the utmost judgment in this area.

Messages from the Spirit World (251)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Meditation is the one most important thing you can do for yourself. It is better than exercise and proper nutrition. It will make you feel alive and well; at peace with yourself and exhilarated for life.

Messages from the Spirit World (250)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When little ones suffer, there is no ulterior purpose, only wasted energy and pain. Do what you can to help the little creatures, be they children or animals.

Messages from the Spirit World (249)

Monday, May 11, 2009

There really are angels that walk among the people of earth - you have seen some yourself, but would never recognize them as God's emissaries. They are here to help man in answer to his prayers. So you never know, when you look at someone and they seem like an angel - maybe they are?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (248)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day, what a special day, indeed. You need not be in the physical presence of your mother to express the love and devotion you feel toward her. Even if she is in, as they say, 'life's other room', you can still tell her how you feel - and you should.

Messages from the Spirit World (247)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Make a wish and it might come true. Grant a wish and all yours will be fulfilled.

Messages from the Spirit World (246)

Friday, May 8, 2009

The right to perfect health belongs to all. It is up to each individual to choose to accept or not. Think healthy, positive thoughts; it will go a long way to making you healthy.

Messages from the Spirit World (245)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Know you are doing God's work. Since we are a part of Him; He uses us to manifest that which He wishes to accomplish.

Messages from the Spirit World (244)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nothing worth having is accomplished without some effort.

Messages from the Spirit World (243)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If all men pray for salvation of the planet, it will happen. The air will once again become crystal clean, taste like sweet nectar to the tongue. The water supplies will not need to be filtered as much, because they will be clean and fresh.

Messages from the Spirit World (242)

Monday, May 4, 2009

It matters not that the initial impetus for all great works of art, great works of literature and wonderful inventions have come from us, in one form or the other, from the side of the 7th dimension. What do think inspiration is, if it's not divinely sent?

Messages from the Spirit World (241)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Do not turn your back on those who seek your help but do not do for those who can do for themselves; for the Book says that the Lord helps those that help themselves. Give with your heart and with your soul and you will know when it is right.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (240)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

If you see scorn in another's eyes, DO not allow yourself to be drawn to another's level unless it is your desire to do so. If you react with malice in your heart, how much better are you than the one who scorns you? Do you not see that all of mankind ARE equal, none is the better, nor is any the worse. God loves each and every one of you.

Messages from the Spirit World (239)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Go to the light when you are afraid, it is a shield from all bad things; it will soothe your very soul and help rejuvenate it. Just picture yourself standing with the beautiful, warm ray of God's love pouring down from the sky onto you.

Messages from the Spirit World (238)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do not take things for granted. Appreciate every beautiful aspect of nature; a panorama of sights to be seen daily. Every bit of it is precious, so stop and look and appreciate what you have.

Messages from the Spirit World (237)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pity the soul who cannot and will not find its way; it is desperate and lonely and seeks the earthly pleasures alone. Hedonism is not necessarily bad, but there must be balance in all things. Too much pleasure of the flesh without thought to the one inside is not healthy, and will set up the physical body for disappointment.

Messages from the Spirit World (236)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The way to God is through love of self and love of others

Messages from the Spirit World (235)

Monday, April 27, 2009

The more you worry about a particular unpleasant situation, the more it is drawn into your vibration. Your thoughts are powerful. What you dream and think about, and talk about are drawn to you like a magnet.

Messages from the Spirit World (234)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

When you are frustrated with a situation, and you feel like things are just plain getting in your way, remember that ALL THINGS HAPPEN FOR A PURPOSE. Sometimes, you will not know what that purpose is; and at other times, you'll know straight off.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (233)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Freedom is an interesting concept, for so many think they have it when indeed they are enslaved by their desires, their false hopes and dreams, and the feeling that they will never be able to afford the things they really want. That is a shame, for true freedom comes with a sense of self; of knowing the One True God; from speaking your mind; and, allowing your heart to be free.

Messages from the Spirit World (232)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Seek the truth, and the answers will find their way to you.

Messages from the Spirit World (231)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do not allow yourself to feel guilt for things that have happened; rather learn from them and see them as a valuable learning tool.

Messages from the Spirit World (230)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If you do not treat yourself, your body with respect, how can you expect others to respect you. Respect must start at 'home', so to speak.

Messages from the Spirit World (229)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We surround you with God's love and light; we watch over you every day in every way; we are always with you.

Messages from the Spirit World (228)

Monday, Aparil 20, 2009

No one expects anything of you, other than you be true to yourself. This is very important. Forget everything you always thought about how you 'should' be, and just be. "I think, therefore, I am." No truer words were ever spoken, unless they be, "God loves you and will protect you and your everlasting soul".

Messages from the Spirit World (227)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Have fun and enjoy the family that you have. Remember, that your spiritual family is with you always, too, so you are never alone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (226)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Material things really are not important. You can have all you want because they are immaterial in the grand scope of things. They serve only to make you more comfortable on this earth plane.

Messages from the Spirit World (225)

Friday, April 17, 2009

We do not have to approve of all men, of what they say and do, or what they believe in, but we do have to have unconditional love and respect for all.

Messages from the Spirit World (224)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Never doubt or second guess the answers that come through instinct. They are usually right on. When you don't give your conscious brain time to think about things, your subconscious or your higher self, with that voice that is your soul, shows through.

Messages from the Spirit World (223)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Say a prayer for all you meet; it will help them and it will help you!

Messages from the Spirit World (222)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We all get angry, it is a normal human emotion. It is important to not let that one emotion overpower the rest.

Messages from the Spirit World (221)

Monday, April 13, 2009

All of life is available to all men, just for the asking, pure of heart and for the believing it will be so. For if you ask one hundred times each day, and do not believe you shall have what you want, you will not have it. If you ask, with heart pure, motivation selfless and from a place of goodness and light, you will have it before you know. Most of us ask with a mindset somewhere between the two. The closer you can get to the latter, the faster you will have the things you desire.

Messages from the Spirit World (220)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trust in God: you will never die lonely. Believe in Him: you will have a friend for all time. Know He exists: you will be guaranteed a spot in the kingdom of heaven.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (219)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We all have destinies, but can choose to ignore them. The destiny is the path we choose before we are born; including the lessons we want to learn.

Messages from the Spirit World (218)

Friday, April 10. 2009

Picture yourself as you want to be and, in time, you will be that way. If you picture yourself a failure, you will fail. If you picture yourself a success, with all the things you want, you will have it all.

Messages from the Spirit World (217)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The life after is something many of us speculate about. It is beautiful and peaceful, but we do not experience the dramatic highs and lows like we do on earth. Rejoice in your humanness; you will have plenty of time to understand the other side once you have passed. Seize the day and rejoice in life.

Messages from the Spirit World (216)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Above all, is love. It is the one thing that binds us all together; and is the one thing that can save you from the worst nightmare and give you peace on this earth plane (and, in heaven, too).

Messages from the Spirit World (215)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Never turn your back on an honest request for help. It will be an opportunity for growth.

Messages from the Spirit World (214)

Monday, April 6, 2009

If you are tired, then rest your body. If you have energy, then run and move your body. If you feel the need for solitude, then sit and be quiet. If you feel the need for camaraderie, well then seek out your friends and form a union.

Messages from the Spirit World (213)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Don't be in such a hurry all the time. You know you will get to your destination regardless of how much you press, and you should take the time to enjoy your life along the way. It is okay to work hard, but then, you must balance it with hard play. Smell the flowers, speak with old friends, imbibe of liquorous drinks and just plain have some fun.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (212)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Money is not the root of all evil, but greed is. The more you share, the more you will receive in return.

Messages from the Spirit World (211)

Friday, April 3, 2009

God is watching the people on earth, and is happy with the progress you have made. There is still more work to be done; more people who need to be enlightened.

Messages from the Spirit World (210)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Be happy and thankful for everything; every day that you live and breathe the air and see the smile of another. These truly are the blessed things in life.

Messages from the Spirit World (209)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Do not give up hope, for it springs eternal.

Messages from the Spirit World (208)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Live for today and in the moment, but also take a second or two out to plan for the future; asking for what you want, visualizing how it will be for you, and seeing how it is now.

Messages from the Spirit World (207)

Monday, March 30, 2009

God's way is not difficult; treating all creatures with loving respect is the key to nirvana, to sitting at the right hand of the Lord.

Messages from the Spirit World (206)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

You can always make things go easily and effortlessly (by asking for it), unless there is a lesson to be learned from the aggravation.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (205)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

God lies deep within and He has the power to heal the body. Just ask . . . and BELIEVE, and it shall happen.

Messages from the Spirit World (204)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Do not grieve the loss of loved ones, they are never very far. You grieve only for yourself, for your loss of physical comfort from that person, and that is okay, too. You can reach out and touch them, by seeing them in your own mind's eye. Rejoice for them, for they are happy and at peace.

Messages from the Spirit World (203)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

There is but one God to take care of us, but the universe is vast and can provide a multitude of things for all people. All is waiting, but for the asking. Expect to receive what you want, and you shall have it (or something equally as good). Do not ask for bad things, ask only for those which are in the highest affinity with you. God gives to those who ask. As they say, ask and ye shall receive.

Messages from the Spirit World (202)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

God touches each and every one of us with his love. We can feel it if we allow ourselves to be quiet now and then . .

Messages from the Spirit World (201)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Instead of being impatient for what the future holds, why not live in the moment? You will be much happier if you appreciate every waking moment as it occurs, instead of waiting for some nebulous future reality.

Messages from the Spirit World (200)

Monday, March 23, 2009

We have something called free will. We can choose to accept God's loving hand, or we can reject it. It is our choice.

Messages from the Spirit World (199)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The future will be beautiful and all of God's children will persevere and be saved.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (198)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Smile at those who scorn you; say a prayer for them to ask God to help them so they may, some day, smile in return. This is not about turning the other cheek, but about transcending the mundane and seeing with eyes beyond the physical.

Messages from the Spirit World (197)

Friday, March 20, 2009

The vernal equinox (the first day of spring) is a special day, as are all days that mark the change of season. You can use it to your benefit to expedite those things that are important to you. The first step is to know what you want. Start to imagine yourself in the setting that you want, see it, feel it, understand what it would be like. Play it out in its entirety, then ask the Lord and the Universe to see this vision through to fruition. It is that simple. Truly powerful stuff.

Messages from the Spirit World (196)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Take care of your body and it will take care of your soul; it is as simple as that . . .

Messages from the Spirit World (195)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Do what you want and go with your gut in all things.

Messages from the Spirit World (194)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Opportunity does knock more than once; and for this we know you are most grateful.

Messages from the Spirit World (193)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Those who experience true love in the earthly form are blessed, for often it seems as if it is rare. IT is not, but most refuse to recognize what it is, or allow its pureness to supersede any mundane problems. Money is often the root of marital discord, and truly, it need not be that way.

Messages from the Spirit World (192)

Follow your dreams as a child follows the ice cream truck; with single-minded focus and determination to have what you want, NOW!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (191)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

See not with your eyes, but with your heart.

Messages from the Spirit World (190)

Friday, March 13, 2009

There will be no ending of this world, or judgment day; just a closer and closer proximity to the next dimension, until the two become one and all souls are reunited. This melding of two worlds will be gradual and will not happen for thousands of years.

Messages from the Spirit World (189)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Now is the time to seek out old friends; to laugh at life's follies; and, smell the fresh morning dew in the air. Remember the wonder of your first snowstorm, your amazement as the sky clashed loud in thunder; and, your awe when you first spied a precious baby kitten. There is so much of life to be thankful for, to enjoy, that we only scratch the surface when we look with unaided eyes.

Messages from the Spirit World (188)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

For those things where we seem to have no choice, we chose them before we were put into this body. When returning to the human form, each of us decides what lessons, or which experiences we wish to have.

Messages from the Spirit World (187)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

God wants us to be happy, but do not be blind to the suffering around you. Take advantage of that which you have and share with others. If you do it now, it will help you tenfold on this side.

Messages from the Spirit World (186)

Monday, March 9, 2009

You have the secrets to the ages locked deep within your soul. You merely have to ask your higher self for permission to understand this knowledge, and it shall be made available to you.

Messages from the Spirit World (185)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

There are several realities coexisting at one time. The most obvious is the earth plane or third dimension, in which you exist. Closest to human existence, the fourth dimension, is where many of us are. We travel in the same 'circuits' as you, but not in the same reality. We can all see you on your plane, but most of you cannot see us (at least, for now). There are many, many upper dimensions (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and so on . . . ) which are those levels of development and enlightenment that are really more refined than you need to know about right now. We bring them up, however, so you will be aware of their existence. Our messages are more mundane; the messages from the higher levels are usually more profound.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (184)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The spirit is the same, just housed in different types of bodies. Just remember that the next time you think badly of someone based upon the color of their skin or the lilt of their speech.

Messages from the Spirit World (183)

Friday, March 6, 2009

IF you find you cannot go on, God will give you the strength to endure, just for the asking. Do not give up, in fact, never give up. You can choose to redirect your efforts, and this if fine, but do not quit; for it does irreparable damage to the psyche.

Messages from the Spirit World (182)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Your intuition is really a combination of your higher self (subconscious) and us, telling you what to do.

Messages from the Spirit World (181)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Unconditional love is something that all men should strive for. It means that although you may not like or accept a certain behavior, you love and cherish and accept the person. You do not have to be a saint, for it is in all of us to do this.

Messages from the Spirit World (180)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DO not fret, for all things happen in their own time and their own fashion, and sometimes, all you can do is accept that all is working in accordance to some larger, divine plan. Keep visualizing your dreams, and they will come true.

Messages from the Spirit World (179)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Samson was a strong man but he let his doubts make him weak. DO not be weakened by your own self doubts. Relish your strength and turn it into something invincible.

Messages from the Spirit World (178)

Do what in YOUR heart seems to be the most honorable thing. If you are good in your heart and good to others; and, if you keep a positive light around you, then that is what you shall receive in return. Conversely, if you show a more negative side; boldly run on others' feelings; then, negativity is what shall return to you. We all have a choice.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (177)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

If you are so anxious for something, in your haste, you are in some ways pushing it away from you still. You need not be in such a hurry as it is better to enjoy each day in each moment as it comes to you; and that way you will enjoy the process as well as the end result.

Messages from the Spirit World (176)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Soon you must slow down and quiet your mind for the results you desire. Granted, there are some responsibilities that you cannot or rather, choose not to ignore; this is fine, but not all that you do is of the utmost urgency. If you tire your body without your mind, that is not always good; in turn, if you quiet your mind without your body, that is not in balance either. Balance is all important, the ying and the yang, the light and the dark, the good and the bad (all of these are conditional, and relative to your own world).

Messages from the Spirit World (175)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Luck is, of course, a matter of attitude. If you think you are and expect that you will be, then there you are. Of course, it is also a matter of definition. If luck brings you back to peace, then okay. If it means winning above all else, then maybe not.

Messages from the Spirit World (174)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There is payback for everything, good and bad. You do reap as you sow. Be kind to others and kindness will envelope you all the days of your life. Be generous and you will always have what you need and never want for material things. Give of your heart and your will always feel love.

Messages from the Spirit World (173)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You need not be afraid of anyone or anything for eternal life is your guarantee. God has promised you a happy ending. If you choose not to believe this, well then, that is your right as a freethinking, free choosing individual.

Messages from the Spirit World (172)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The way is not always clear or easy, but He will guide, guard and direct you; only for the asking.

Messages from the Spirit World (171)

Smile now, see the beauty that lies inside of you; go with the ones you love, always, for they will keep you strong and safe.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (170)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

When you want something, go for it! Ask for it and never give up. You will have it sooner or later. The more you ask for it; believe it will be yours; and, trust in the Lord to give it to you, the sooner you shall have it.

Messages from the Spirit World (169)

Friday, February 20, 2009

There is a beginning and ending to most things in life. Death is a beginning; birth is an ending. Hard to comprehend for someone in your place, but it is true as you will find when you make your transition.

Messages from the Spirit World (168)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Never take anything for granted, it dulls the senses. Stop and smell the roses, so to speak, and you will enjoy life much, much more.

Messages from the Spirit World (167)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just imagine: if God is all powerful, which He is; and, if God is inside of us, which He is; then, that makes all men powerful, and you are! Man can do anything he sets his mind to.

Messages from the Spirit World (166)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sink deep into your own mind and you will connect with that which is part of all infinity. Do not think with your rational mind, but rather feel with the intuitive part of your subconscious.

Messages from the Spirit World (165)

Monday, February 16, 2009

You can choose to be with the Man, the Lord, the One True and Absolute Being, or you can choose to turn away from the light, and be held in the dark abyss which is the absence of His Divine Love. It truly IS YOUR choice. You can choose now or later; the sooner you decide that you have selected the Lord to reside in your heart as well as your body, the sooner the fun begins! He will watch over your eternal self, the soul, and makes sure that no harm comes to you. The physical body is but a mere vehicle, one that must be honored and cherished beyond all else.

Messages from the Spirit World (164)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some opportunities do not come in a good package; often there is great pain that precedes it. In fact, the pain is often the opportunity; that is, the chance to learn and grow.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (163)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

God loves all; He wants us to love all, too. To accept a stranger and his ways, to understand that different is not bad, just different. How boring would life be if all people were the same? It would be like all flowers being daisies; or, all dogs being poodles. Not bad, but just boring. Variety IS the spice of life, and it is yours for the taking.

Messages from the Spirit World (162)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jesus walks the earth now, so do not turn your back on a stranger seeking help; you just never know who he really is.

Messages from the Spirit World (161)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

DO not see the world through the eyes of a cynic; rather see it through the sight of a blind man, upon waking and finding his vision for the very first time. How wondrous the world around you is! See it now, feel it, breathe the life force that you know exists in every creature, and enjoy!

Messages from the Spirit World (160)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The coming together for a greater good is what will save the planet, both physically and spiritually.

Messages from the Spirit World (159)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sometimes, the things we do in anonymity are more valuable, for we do them from a place of love not publicity. If you truly have love in your heart for yourself, your fellow people and for all creatures, you will live a happy and prosperous life.

Messages from the Spirit World (158)

Monday, February 9, 2009

The full moon is a time for lovers, a time to reminisce, a time to see the world through rose-colored eyes, a time to dream.

Messages from the Spirit World (157)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Have patience in all things you do. It will take you a long way and help you get what you want in the end.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (156)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Do not try to cheat or lie, it will only hurt you in the end. What is yours, is yours; what belongs to someone else is NOT yours. IF you try to take it, you will set yourself back in your own development and in getting what you truly want out of life. You shall always have the things you need.

Messages from the Spirit World (155)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Never doubt your own ability, for if YOU do not sing your praises, then who will? You must be proud of the person you have become, regardless, if you feel you have fallen short of your dreams at this particular point.

Messages from the Spirit World (154)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is a beautiful, miraculous thing. Never take it for granted. There are so many wonders to behold each and every day.

Messages from the Spirit World (153)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

There is love and laughter in this dimension, just not the sorrow and pain. No sex, though; that is an activity of the human form. No, we do not watch anyone while they share intimate moments; guides do have a sense of decorum and respect the privacy of those they love.

Messages from the Spirit World (152)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ask again what you can do to help your neighbor; and it shall be granted to you many-fold in return. Every action deserves a reaction, that is true. But not every action is returned in just kind; often it happens many times the power to which you gave it. Give a quarter, get a ten. See what we mean?

Messages from the Spirit World (151)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Life is too precious, too much fun to get caught up in. The only should you have is the need, the 'should' to be true to yourself and your higher purpose. DO not doubt for one minute that you have a higher purpose; all people do. Some are able to determine what that is at an early age; others have to figure it out over time. Some never understand what it is, but live the life anyway.

Messages from the Spirit World (150)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Take care of yourself first, before you take care of everyone else. If you don't, you will one day have nothing left to give. You must love yourself as God loves you, unconditionally.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (149)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

There is beauty in all people, regardless of race, gender or ethnic background. DO not forget that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Messages from the Spirit World (148)

Friday, January 30, 2009

When something that appears to be bad happens, do not blame God. He is providing opportunities to grow through grief. He will NEVER, NEVER harm a soul. This is something you must believe down into your innermost depths; for understanding is the key to a happy existence on the earth plane.

Messages from the Spirit World (147)

Thursday, January 29, 2008

The animals look to man to guide and protect; not take advantage.

Messages from the Spirit World (146)

Thursday, January 28, 2009

Two people can see the same stone; one says it is a thing of beauty, and the other says it is a pile of hardened clay. Each person's reality is what he or she chooses to make of it. So, the next time you are inclined to see the glass as half empty, remember, that for you, it can always be at least half full with a waitress at your beck and call for unlimited refills.

Messages from the Spirit World (145)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is my path? Where shall I go? Why is God not here for me right now? These questions already have answers. The knowledge you seek is inside you. You may need to dig a little bit for often this information is not stored in the conscious memory but rather in the subconscious or unconscious part of the mind, which is the soul, which has traveled through time to bring you to this point where you exist today.

Messages from the Spirit World (144)

Monday, January 25, 2009

Remember, you live your life and your life only. Do not try to live someone else's. Understand that the choices they make are THEIR choices, and just accept. You are free to make your own choices, your own mistakes; be not so quick to judge another lest you look long and hard at yourself first.

Messages from the Spirit World (143)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The delays that happen as a part of normal life are usually there for a reason, so do not be so quick to anger when they occur. All things have a purpose.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (142)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Be quiet now and then, and you will hear the inner voice; the one that tells you what to do.

Messages from the Spirit World (141)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happiness is contagious; if you are happy, then you bring it to those around you.

Messages from the Spirit World (140)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

You will always get what you ask for, as long as it is in your best interest and does not hurt another soul.

Messages from the Spirit World (139)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You can understand the workings of a man's brain, but his mind is a mystery unto himself. Dissecting it will not help you understand; only empathy and unconditional love will do that.

Messages from the Spirit World (138)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If you are alone, do not forget that you are a part of a larger group; that you always have your spiritual family with you.

Messages from the Spirit World (137)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Do not worry if your kindnesses do not seem to be repaid. Often they are repaid by another party; and so on and so on . . .

Messages from the Spirit World (136)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Do not discount a man because you do not like what he says. Freedom of speech is such a wonderful thing. All men should speak their minds, for quiet suffering is the seed to frustration.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (135)

Saturday, January 17, 2008

Each day is a gift of life, another chance to do the things that make you happy; another day to spend time with those you love; another chance to meet new spirits; another day to be thankful for the air and the water and the sky and the earth; another true chance at living.

Messages from the Spirit World (134)

Friday, January 16, 2009

You MUST have faith, and remember that when the road seems darkest, when the way seems fraught with certain, impending disaster, when that door surely will not seem to budge open, and when you feel as if you have sunk to the depths of all mankind, THAT is precisely the time that the good Lord is working overtime to provide you with all the things that you need; and, most of all, what you want.

Messages from the Spirit World (133)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Forgiveness is divine; it will go a long way toward spiritual development.

Messages from the Spirit World (132)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Each and every human has ultimate control of their own destiny.

Messages from the Spirit World (131)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Once we are beyond this plane, we truly understand what it is like to be close to God. We are at peace with one another and there is no fear, no cruelty; all creatures are treated with respect and are embraced by God's loving arms. It could be that way on the earth plane, but the people have a long way to go to develop to that point.

Messages from the Spirit World (130)

Monday, January 12, 2009

It is often hard for people to accept that they are worthy; that they deserve all the goodness life has to offer. You are all worthwhile, divine and special creatures, and deserve all the goodness in life. Please remember this, for it will take you a long way to enjoying the physical life on this earth plane.

Messages from the Spirit World (129)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

God is a fun loving spirit who appreciates a good sense of humor. Don't let Him down in that regard. Find the humor in all things and your life will be a treasure.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (128)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The angels come to earth, often; they follow their assigned spirits throughout his or her lifetimes. God is always there, too, watching and supervising. He loves the angels and the lost souls and the little babies and all of mankind, too.

Messages from the Spirit World (127)

Friday, January 9, 2008

If you start to sense some resentment or some anger or some apprehension, just pause, inhale deeply and slowly and think special warming thoughts (a baby, or your puppy, or some other calming treasure). Focus on the image and you will feel your blood pressure returning to normal; and, as you exhale, be thankful for the joy in your life. The more joy, the more of life to experience.

Messages from the Spirit World (126)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It is time for you (mankind) to consciously choose your own destiny and stop accepting the dictates of others who may not know what is in your best interest. How is this done? This is each man's quest: to their find the path. If you don't understand your path, then just ask God and He will show you the way; for He is “The Way, The Truth and The Light”.

Messages from the Spirit World (125)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Do you understand? Can you see the interconnectedness between your thoughts, your patterns and your way of life? You have the life you have now because you have chosen it. Your thoughts and actions have made you who and what you are. If you truly decide, that you want something different from this life, it’s as easy as saying it is so; and, before you know it, you will have what you have requested of yourself. However, you must truly believe that you can have what you want, that you deserve it and that you have the power to make it so.

Messages from the Spirit World (124)

Tuesday, January 6, 2008

Now is the time to take action. Choose the path you want and go directly toward it. Do not take no for an answer. You have the power, the strength and the conviction to do what you will; do not let them go unused.

Messages from the Spirit World (122)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

There are many religions, but only one God. No religion is better or worse than the others; they all serve a main purpose which is to explain the system in terms that humans can understand. That you believe in GOD, in a HIGHER POWER, is what is important. Call Him what you will: Allah, God, Buddha, Christ, etc., they are all one in the same. What is in a name, anyway: (you know the rest of it) . . . God is God is God and by any other name would be as sweet.

Messages from the Spirit World (123)

Monday, January 5, 2008

The countryside is bleak but beneath the gray exterior lies life waiting to blossom; it is a miraculous thing, you know. Life follows death; and, death precedes life.

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