"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (93)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Please know that the world is not on the brink of disaster, although your prayers are still needed to ensure the onslaught of peace in your time. The more you visualize it, the sooner and stronger the peace will be. New peace accords are in the works each and every day, and God smiles down upon all men who have a hand in these. He knows that the only way to true and everlasting peace is through sharing of cultures, of opening of hearts to accept those who are different on the surface, knowing that deep down, each and every man, woman and child are the same. We are one kind, one species under God’s protective umbrella.

Messages from the Spirit World (92)

Friday, December 5, 2008

You are never alone, especially at the darkest moments of your life. The Lord is there with you, helping take the burden from you.

Messages from the Spirit World (91)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Remember that God loves you all very much as He has entrusted to each man a part of Himself. Treat that part of you with reverence and remember that you are special, you are loved, and you have the power within you, YOU HAVE THE POWER to do what ever, whenever your heart desires.

Messages from the Spirit World (90)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Do not take things that do not belong to you; and that is not only physical, material things, but also, emotions and energy, too. IF you were meant to have it, it will come to you. If you want it so badly you can taste it, then you will have it, but for the asking.

Messages from the Spirit World (89)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Life is wondrous; a special and precious gift that God has given mankind. It should be cherished and always enjoyed. There are hard times and sad times, but that is part of the beauty of life, too.

Messages from the Spirit World (88)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Do not be so hard on yourselves when you miss an opportunity, for as we have said before, there will be many others to follow. Will they be as great? You bet, and sometimes even better, in an effort to get you to make a commitment to do those things which you really want to do.

Messages from the Spirit World (87)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tithing is a good thing. It does not have to be given to a church. The Source does not care, as long as you share.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (86)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ask for what you want and you will have it. Ask for what you want and you will have it. ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU WILL HAVE IT!! Asking three times each day seems to work the best for most people. Sometimes, it takes longer to get what you want, but don't give up. Persevere and it will be yours.

Messages from the Spirit World (85)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Many people feel lost and lonely, but really there is no need for that. You have a spiritual family that watches over you, so no one is ever truly alone. There are also angels hanging around to make sure you don't do anything really stupid like walk in front of a bus (unless, of course, it is your time to transition). The more you call on your angels and spiritual family, the more they can help guide and direct you. Meditation is a good tool to use for this; try to do it at least once every day.

Messages from the Spirit World (84)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving - Thank God for all things, for ALL THINGS, for it is through His bounty that all gifts are received.

Messages from the Spirit World (83)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The spiritual path in the next dimension is not the same as the spiritual path that one chooses while in the physical form. Similar, but not the same. You will understand once you have crossed over. Some who died but are revived have an inkling into this knowledge.

Messages from the Spirit World (82)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

God hears all prayers, and He answers them in kind. You do not have to recite those words by rote, but rather speak the truth that is in your heart. God is all powerful and all knowing and He will provide you only those things which are in your best interest.

Messages from the Spirit World (81)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Our thoughts are so powerful, it is amazing. Never say anything negative about yourself, even in jest. You must be your greatest supporter. If you say you are special and wonderful and smart, etc., that is what you shall be. IF you say you are a loser, no good, can't win for losing, then that will be true for you.

Messages from the Spirit World (80)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We do not take anger and bad feelings with us when we cross, only love that transcends all times and dimensions; so much and so warm and so safe. You cannot even begin to describe it with the vocabulary you have; no human can. You will understand once you transition.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (79)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Look into the blackness of the night sky and you will see the limitless possibilities of the mind. The universe is vast in its scope and that is only on this plane. There is so much more than those on this planet are aware of. God loves them all, all the creatures of the universe. IF you expand your mind, you can connect with their consciousness, no easy feat for most humans. Do not use drugs to attain this state - that goes again all God stands for. Use the powers of your mind and the love of God. WE are all part of one plane, one place and one consciousness, but the human eye cannot see all. We can see you, but you cannot see us. We cannot touch you, but you can touch us with your thoughts and prayers.

Messages from the Spirit World (78)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Holding onto anger harms only the source; do not destroy yourself with it. Peace and serenity are much more acceptable.

Messages from the Spirit World (77)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

You can tap into your subconscious to learn of your past lives, if it is your desire. The soul retains the life lessons, and it is not really necessary for the conscious brain to recall the experience; but if you want to do it for kicks . . .

Messages from the Spirit World (76)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ask the Lord, ask the universe for what you want and you will have it. It is quite simple. The method of asking is not important. Creative visualization, prayer, whatever suits you best. Just do it. You can have all; everyone can have all they want. The message is a simple one, but that does not belie its value: the universe is vast and has unlimited resources. There is enough for everyone to have all they want and more. If we on earth can have all for the asking, there will be no need to take from others; no stealing, no wars, no violence. The more this simple message gets out, the better will we as a people transcend our current state, thereby raising our consciousness and vibration. Go to God for all your needs, He will indeed ALWAYS be there for you.

Messages from the Spirit World (75)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

God sent His only son down to earth to show us how to live. Some paid attention, some did not. His way is the easy way, it is the way of love. No need for violence and hatred. We are all the same inside; whether man or woman; black, red, white or brown. Remember that the next time you want to yell at someone while driving. Each has a purpose and a right to be on this earth plane.

Messages from the Spirit World (74)

Monday, November 17, 2008

All have a job to do, and none is more valuable than the next. It is all part of a higher plan. Man is here to learn, to grow, to enjoy and to live. Take each moment and live it as if it were your only moment. It puts things in perspective.

Messages from the Spirit World (73)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sometimes you don't know what the Divine Plan is until it has happened. Sometimes you still don't know until you stop to think about it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (72)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It is all right to feel anger, just do not let it simmer. Anger is a healthy, valid emotion - rage is not. Do not let everyday disasters of the heart tear you to shreds, it simply is not worth it. You cannot accept what someone else has to say until you accept what you feel about a situation. Think about this - if you are angry with someone or a situation, then you must deal with that first before you can hear what the other one has to say. Feel what you need to feel, when the emotion strikes; feel it to the depths of your soul, then let it go. That is the way to everlasting peace of mind in the physical form.

Messages from the Spirit World (71)

Friday, November 14, 2008

God loves all people, especially those who choose the light. It is our choice. We can choose to be in the light with the Lord, or we can turn away from it to total darkness. Why anyone would choose to turn away is indeed a mystery; some are afraid that they are not good enough, that they have sinned and, therefore, do not belong in the light. This is poppycock; all men belong in the light. Those who were very evil on the earth cannot get as close, but they can share in the warmth. They must come back and live many lifetimes on this plane in order to repay, or to learn the things they did not learn. They must suffer at the hand as others had suffered at theirs. But they will all eventually go into the light; it is God's way. He has an amazing capacity for forgiveness, as we all do on this side.

Messages from the Spirit World (70)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Come one, come all to the kingdom of heaven. IT is open to saint and sinners alike. Close your heart and close your eyes to the world around you, and you have missed all of life that God intended for you to see. Be open to the healing touch of a stranger. Do not look to the face of a man for his character, but rather look into his soul. God may be disguised as a derelict one day.

Messages from the Spirit World (69)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cats see some of us in the fourth dimension, that is why they often stare into space or up at the ceiling. They are looking at us; trying to figure us out.

Messages from the Spirit World (68)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Make sure to protect your aura at all times. If it becomes weakened, it will not be as able to protect the physical body as it normally is. It is your aura and your ethereal body which have the power to protect and heal the physical being. So, if you make your etheric and auric fields strong, you can usually circumvent any disease that comes into your space. You can build your aura by seeing yourself bathed in the white light of God’s protecting love. Music is a wonderful way to connect with the God within. Let go, trust in the Lord and all will be well.

Messages from the Spirit World (67)

Monday, November 10, 2008

God wants all to know of His great love and of His omniscience. Trust in God and you will be all right. Believe in God and you shall have all that you need. Ask for what you will; you will receive it all and them some - if you believe. There is no limit to God’s power or to the vastness of the universe. Send the message out loud and clear for what you want, and you will have it. Decide what you want and ask for it. It is as simple as that.

Messages from the Spirit World (66)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You must clean house first; get rid of all the debris and then you will be ready and have made space for the new. This goes for clothes, jewelry and the like. Anything you do not use, or wear, give to someone else who could enjoy it. In turn, you shall have the things that you need. Money too; get rid of the nagging bills by paying for your own in cash. Do not crave things, just ask to have them.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (65)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

If God is so knowing and so powerful and so LOVING, then why are there such tragedies on earth? Simple. The whole process here on this plane is a learning ground. The spirit makes a pact with the Lord ahead of time; together they decide what lessons need to be learned, and what experiences need to be had. The spirit loses conscious memory of this once in the human form, for it would defeat the purpose. The learning has to come naturally.

Messages from the Spirit World (64)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Adopt the Reiki philosophy in all things: just for today, I will not worry; just for today, I will not anger. How about it? These are good precepts to live by.

Messages from the Spirit World (63)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ask for what you want , and you shall have it. Do not question the source, just accept the gifts. Ask for what YOU want, for what you truly want and you WILL have it. Just say, “Dear Lord, dear universe I want____,” and it shall be yours as simple as that. Just think of the possibilities! No more worry, because you know all is within your reach, your power to attain. This message is for all people; so they can live in the comfort and security of having all. This is an important lesson, for it will lead to the harmony that will come in the world. If we can all have whatever we desire, what use is there to force people to do something they don’t want to do for our benefit? What purpose will violence have? None. What purpose will there be for wars? None. This is the beginning, the first step, to understand this simple precept. Ask and you shall have. Simple and direct. You will always get what is in your best interest, so if you ask for something that will be harmful to you or someone else, what you get will be modified to be best for you and others.

Messages from the Spirit World (61)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Being proud of your flag and your country. What they stand for are very important, second only to being next to God, in importance. Why do you think they say God and country in the same breath. They are both important: your country, while you are here in and on the physical plane; and, the Other, for once you get into the eternal heavenliness.

Messages from the Spirit World (62)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God knows the way to eternal happiness, for He IS that happiness; He brings love and laughter and songs and sorrow sometimes, too. You do not have to worry, for all IS going according to your plan, and this is to be sure. Now you see the way you want, go forth and conquer!!

Messages from the Spirit World (60)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Seek the truth and peace at every turn. And above all else, remember love. This should be your first thought upon wakening and your last upon retiring. When you think in terms of love everlasting, we will be there to assist you. Peace, love and a special light to all those whose hearts are heavy on this day. May God bless you with eternal peace and everlasting light. Amen.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (58)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We watch over you every day in every way, we are always with you. Sometimes you think you hear us, or rather feel us. And you do. We want you to know that you are strong and meant for great things and we are here in part to see that you get there. Come to us and we will show you the way. Don’t be afraid, we can only help you. Don’t let your mind get in the way, please, it makes things more difficult for us. Use your intelligence for things that YOU create. WE need you to be open when we speak to you. Singing is good for the soul - you should do it more often. It brings you closer to GOD. (and we like it too!)

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