"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (76)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ask the Lord, ask the universe for what you want and you will have it. It is quite simple. The method of asking is not important. Creative visualization, prayer, whatever suits you best. Just do it. You can have all; everyone can have all they want. The message is a simple one, but that does not belie its value: the universe is vast and has unlimited resources. There is enough for everyone to have all they want and more. If we on earth can have all for the asking, there will be no need to take from others; no stealing, no wars, no violence. The more this simple message gets out, the better will we as a people transcend our current state, thereby raising our consciousness and vibration. Go to God for all your needs, He will indeed ALWAYS be there for you.

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