"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (59)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Remember, that in a war, neither side is 100% innocent nor 100% at fault. You must look to yourself first, then your enemy. For in your enemy is a kindred soul, one you will find to be much like you.

Messages from the Spirit World (57)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween - It is the eve of All Saints Day. The Hallowed Eve is nothing to fear. Originally, it was just the manifestation of the passed saints reappearing in the physical form (or in a form the physical eye could comprehend), in preparation for the festive day. It became scary for those humans not used to accepting the sight of 'souls' and, therefore, became a day to be feared. Really, no one is going to hurt anyone.

Messages from the Spirit World (56)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Angels go with all men, all the time. Those who have a higher vibration can more easily connect with their angels. Those who turn away from the light cannot hear their angels speak.

Messages from the Spirit World (55)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Eight times eight is sixty four and that is how many times more love and luck you will have when you do one simple, good, pure and honest, selfless deed for another. No good deed goes undone, and this is the truth. If your intent is honorable, then the outcome will not have been in vain.

Messages from the Spirit World (54)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

IF you believe in the things that you do, you’ll do them well. IF you do not believe that you can accomplish something, you’ll not be able to accomplish it. Life is a wondrous gift, to be cherish each and every day. Each day dawns bright, with renewed hope and promise and a new challenge and a new change. Every day IS a new beginning, so if you feel that you fell short of your desires this day, remember that tomorrow is a new change; it is indeed, a new day.

Messages from the Spirit World (53)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Remember that all humans and all creatures house a soul. You may not like the person that the soul embodies, but you MUST respect that person for the soul inside.

Messages from the Spirit World (52)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Smile now, for life is worth every moment of ecstasy, as well as, every moment of sorrow. Together they weave the blend, the fabric of our existence, and one without the other would leave us unbalanced.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (51)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

We all choose ways to mask emotions from time to time, but it is not healthy to do it on a regular basis. It is important to FEEL; to be alive. It was God’s intention that we should live life to its fullest. That means different things to many people, but the thing we must all do is live in the here and now. DO not worry about the past, you cannot fix it and do not worry about what is to come in future. Be in the present and you will feel fulfilled. Animals do it, and man once was able to do it, too. IF we let it, living in the moment will become second nature; just try it for one day and it will feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Messages from the Spirit World (50)

Friday, October 24, 2008

If you want financial freedom, you do not have to make sacrifices, but you do have to make some wise and thoughtful decisions. If you really want a thing, and it will make you happy, then work for it and it will make the attainment of that item even that much more satisfying. If you can have anything you want without paying for it, the value is diminished. The payment does not have to be spendable currency, but anything of value.

Messages from the Spirit World (49)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

There is no crime in not being sure of what you want, for that is part of life, to make those discoveries. In fact, you may change your idea of ideal and desirable as you go along and that is also part of the process. You do not find yourself to be one way at 18, and then stay that way. What would be the point then, after all?

Messages from the Spirit World (48)

Wednesday, October 22, 2208

Negative thoughts are powerful; they keep what you want away from you. Think only positive, good thoughts. Whenever you start to feel a negative thought creep into your brain, say "CANCEL THAT", and then repeat a positive affirmation or statement of what you want.

Messages from the Spirit World (47)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You do not have to feel guilty for any decisions that you make in YOUR best interest. Remember this when the times get rough. You must do what is right for you; do not be overly concerned about how others feel about it. It is your life; YOUR life and no one, NO ONE has the right to try to live it for you. That is blasphemy!! Each of us is to live our life according to our own prescripts and precepts. This is the Word of the Lord, He knows that each man must find his way in this world, to learn the things he must learn before he can join his heavenly father.

Messages from the Spirit World (46)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Know God you as you know yourself, for He is your closest and dearest and oldest friend. Respect others for their way of life, for their decisions, and always follow your own path, for only you know the way that is right for you. What is right for the brother is not right for the sister, and so on. Each must choose his/her own path. Even if it seems that the way is unclear, they must go it alone. God is always there anyway, so what is the problem?

Messages from the Spirit World (45)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seek not to improve yourself if you are unsure of the desired outcomes. Rather, look to your inner side and find, at that point of origin, what it is that will make you happy and make you feel good. Then, and only then, can you begin to make the changes you have been seeking for so long; you will see them sometimes as occurring rapidly and at other is will seem as if there is no movement whatsoever. It doesn't matter, really, does it, how long it takes? After all, it is all a process of growth and renewal and this is what you should focus on.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (44)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Do not be afraid of the unknown, only the fear of trying will ever hurt you. No harm can come to your soul when you are doing God’s work, when you are living in the light and loving all men as you should. We are all equal, in the eyes of the Lord; inside we are all the same, just souls trying to learn valuable lessons.

Messages from the Spirit World (43)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sacred is the truth and faith between husband and wife. The bond is strong and lasts beyond the physical form.

Messages from the Spirit World (42)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Okay, so now you have it, the road to eternal peace. And you will find that it is different for each and every person alive today. For some, it is as easy as just sitting quietly by themselves, and for others, it involves intense training and meditation. What will it be like for you? Will you go quietly into that good night, or will you put up a fight. It matters not which direction you choose, for in looking to start the journey, you have already won half of your personal battle. God will be with you at all times, no matter what decision you make. Will you be the belle of the ball or a wallflower? Truly, it is up to you to choose your own path. Go and seek God and His love at every turn and you will die a happy man.

Messages from the Spirit World (41)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The soul lives on forever and ever, so no one really ever dies; they just move on to the next step.

Messages from the Spirit World (40)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

See the birds flying up high and know that God put them there. There are so many miracles in our daily lives, and we tend to take them for granted. Do not. See all with the eyes of a child, and you will never be bored, never lack of stimulation.

Messages from the Spirit World (39)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Peace is a wonderful thing, something more precious than money. If you have peace of mind and are content with yourself, you do indeed have everything. Do not despair if you do not have material wealth, because when all is said and done it truly has little value. To be rich in love and happiness is a blessing. Many rich people are not happy, are not content with their lives and you must pity them, for they know not the true meaning of being alive. If you can look at yourself in the mirror and like the person inside, you have a great deal. Be happy with the gifts God has given you and use them.

Messages from the Spirit World (38)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yes, it certainly does seem as if time is flying by, but remember, time is a variable and personal thing; fluid and relative. So when you think that there are not enough hours in your day, think again. For you have as much available time as you desire and maybe, just maybe, some of those all important tasks can wait while you stop for coffee with a friend, or stop to play with the puppies, or many other various and sundry things. Life is for living, not just for cleaning the house or working or playing; each of these things IS important, for balance in all things is an appropriate credo. But you must seek the good with the bad, and understand that it is okay to look for yourself first. Above all else, take time to talk to God and His friends, not because you have to or should, but because you enjoy His company as one of your closest friends. He IS with you, after all, at all times, so you might as well spend some time, or take the time to get to know and understand Her as well. What form does this supreme Being take? It depends on how you want to see Her/Him. He is all to everyone; So for God, all things are possible. It is YOUR perception of a thing that makes it valid for you.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (37)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Now is the time for all good souls to speak to their self, their higher consciousness and ask for permission and direction in all things. It is important to commune with your spirit, at least once each day; to rejuvenate the soul.

Messages from the Spirit World (36)

Friday, October 10, 2008

God loves you all, He cannot wait until you join Him in His heavenly embrace. For now, He watches over you all and protects you from undo harm. Do not forget Him when something that seems terrible happens to seemingly nice people. There is much to be learned from misfortune and suffering. Remember that each of us chooses our lesson to be learned, so deep down, the person suffering is indeed getting what they asked for.

Messages from the Spirit World (35)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Feel the pulsing of life that surrounds you, it is everywhere you look. Even in the frozen tundra of winter, life is teeming beneath the icy surface. There is life in everything, potential in everyone. If you tap into that potential, you will indeed be rich in the ways of life.

Messages from the Spirit World (34)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do not discount what you do not understand; your lack of knowledge does not negate its value.

Messages from the Spirit World (33)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

God's message is a simple one but is very important: take care of yourself and others; treat all living creatures with respect; and, fill your heart with love for all things. Enjoy each moment and see the beauty in all things.

Messages from the Spirit World (32)

Monday, October 6, 2008

You do not have to know which way you are going, or have a plan, but it does make things harder and, often, you will not end up where you expected. For some, the way is to follow the whippoorwill, the breath of a breeze to take them where they desire. This is not the case for others, who have definite plans as to what they want to accomplish in this lifetime; floating from one experience to the next will simply not work.

Messages from the Spirit World (31)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

See the brilliant light; it is but a sampling of what lies in store for all who pass. Those who are pure on this plane will have the chance to bask in the warmth of it’s light; the rest can get close but cannot touch it completely, for they must return to learn the lessons yet won. There are several different levels of light: there is the BIG light, the main one that surrounds God; then there is the light of holiness in the afterlife; and then, there is the light that is the path. This is the light that those who die, but do not, see and the one they report of upon their return.