"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (42)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Okay, so now you have it, the road to eternal peace. And you will find that it is different for each and every person alive today. For some, it is as easy as just sitting quietly by themselves, and for others, it involves intense training and meditation. What will it be like for you? Will you go quietly into that good night, or will you put up a fight. It matters not which direction you choose, for in looking to start the journey, you have already won half of your personal battle. God will be with you at all times, no matter what decision you make. Will you be the belle of the ball or a wallflower? Truly, it is up to you to choose your own path. Go and seek God and His love at every turn and you will die a happy man.

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