"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (38)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yes, it certainly does seem as if time is flying by, but remember, time is a variable and personal thing; fluid and relative. So when you think that there are not enough hours in your day, think again. For you have as much available time as you desire and maybe, just maybe, some of those all important tasks can wait while you stop for coffee with a friend, or stop to play with the puppies, or many other various and sundry things. Life is for living, not just for cleaning the house or working or playing; each of these things IS important, for balance in all things is an appropriate credo. But you must seek the good with the bad, and understand that it is okay to look for yourself first. Above all else, take time to talk to God and His friends, not because you have to or should, but because you enjoy His company as one of your closest friends. He IS with you, after all, at all times, so you might as well spend some time, or take the time to get to know and understand Her as well. What form does this supreme Being take? It depends on how you want to see Her/Him. He is all to everyone; So for God, all things are possible. It is YOUR perception of a thing that makes it valid for you.

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