"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (30)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just make sure that you share the wealth, for in giving we receive so much more. When you give a stranger your trust, your help and your support, you are paving the way to Almighty forgiveness for any sins you think you have committed.

Messages from the Spirit World (29)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Remember, that sometimes a state of dis-ease is a grand opportunity to make some changes; seize the opportunity and your life will be rich with love and light and laughter beyond your wildest expectations. Choose to ignore it, and the end result will be tedium. God wants you all to know that He is around every corner, at every fork in the road, down every dark alley, holding your ethereal hand and helping you to overcome your fear. There is no death, only rebirth. It is a joyous occasion for the one who has made their transition, for they are reunited with God in a form they can see and feel, and, once again, feel the overwhelming love that comes from being a part of the whole.

Messages from the Spirit World (28)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Do not believe everything you read or hear; you have to decipher the truths from the fiction. Those in the next plane have much to offer. Rest assured that we will not hurt you; we are only here to help you on your path in your spiritual development. Trust your judgment and form your own opinions.

Messages from the Spirit World (27)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

If you miss one opportunity, we shall do our best to provide you with another and another and another, etc. This is not only good for the attainment of capital wealth, which it certainly IS, but also for the betterment of your personal self, your career, your relationships, your family and health and the true meaning of your creative side.

Messages from the Spirit World (26)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The spiritual realm is fantastic; a wondrous place awaits your arrival. Never fear your passing, nor mourn anyone else's. The passing is not a scary thing for most. It is a beautiful, peaceful experience when it comes at the appropriate time. This does not mean that all should hurry to expedite it; if it is forced, it may not seem so wonderful. Many stories come close to depicting some of what it is like; you'll just have to wait and find our for yourselves. In the meantime, focus on living in this plane and you will be happy and joyous.

Messages from the Spirit World (25)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Visualization is really the key to all things; to having the life you want. See it first in your own mind. See it and it shall be yours; feel it and it shall be had all the more quickly. Then, when the day comes for it to happen, it will be as natural as if it were already history.

Messages from the Spirit World (24)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

To be fully human is to be god-like. This is something that many religions do not understand. We are all children of God, and therefore, are a part of God himself. We have the power to do all that we set our minds to, and then some. God loves us. God wants us to be happy and fulfilled.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (23)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

There are patterns that seem random but have true meaning. There are no accidents, no coincidences; everything happens for a reason.

Messages from the Spirit World (22)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Good health is really such a simple thing; it is within all of us to have. Keep the etheric fields strong and you will be well. How? Take care of the God within; meditate; give the body what it needs: proper nutrition and physical movement; and think healthy, positive thoughts. Instead of thinking, "I don't feel well", "I have a headache", "I'm tired," say to yourself, "I feel great! Alive and full of energy". Before you know it, you WILL feel great, alive and full of energy. If you repeat the thoughts in your head, they will become reality.

Messages from the Spirit World (21)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

We all have agendas; things we want to learn or accomplish while in this earth plane. These things we agree on before we enter the physical form. We have no conscious memory of them, but surely, our subconscious mind knows all.

Messages from the Spirit World (20)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Each of us in our human form chooses our own path. If what you present to others is not consistent with what you want to be, then you need to look deep within to find where the conflict arises from. Any inconsistency in desire verses outcome usually is a good indicator you don’t truly know yourself or what you desire out of this life. You must really look deep inside yourself to find out what it is you truly want. And if what you want is not popular or doesn’t make others happy then so be it, for you must do what makes you happy, what you need to feel fulfilled and what satisfies your own desires.

Messages from the Spirit World (19)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stop grieving for things that you cannot control and take action when you can. Patience is important, but do not let inactivity rule or ruin your life. God will give you all that you need and all that you want and more, but for the asking. IF you turn against yourself, you will not have the things you want; and once you get them they will not be the things you want anymore. Keep the faith and be positive, these are important. See a situation for what it is. You can right anything you decide; make it better for the future.

Messages from the Spirit World (18)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Autumnal Equinox (first day of fall) - On this powerful day, think now of how you want your life to be. We do not believe in idle daydreaming, rather, in focused thinking and directing of your energies into a future that contains the items and feelings and people that you desire. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Can you taste it? Is it real for you? If so, then it shall be so. Really, it is that simple.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (17)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

You do not have to seek the far corners of the earth to know the answers to the universe. They are locked deep in your soul, and by quiet meditation and asking for the release of this information, you can have these at your disposal.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (16)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Do not despair, just when things seem to be darkest, is when the bright light of God's love is just around the corner. He will NEVER let you down. Let him show you the way when you are uncertain.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (15)

Friday, September 19, 2008

God wants you all to understand that the potential for greatness as well as the potential for darkness lies in each person. That is the challenge, or rather, part of the challenge of humanness. It is your choice how you choose to live your life. There is no one EVIL per se, although it dwells deep in the heart of mankind, to be erased forever by loving the One True God of heaven. Understand that WITH God’s loving help, you can persevere through the darkest hour and come out on top of the world.

Messages from the Spirit World (14)

September 18, 2008

Do you know the way to find eternal peace? Well, certainly the best place to start is in the beginning, in your heart. Listen to music and let it take you away from the maddening crowd to that inner sanctum and there you will find that special gift you have been waiting to discover. If it is not classical music that moves you, then find the medium. This is often good for most, because it was created (and still is) with the assistance of the angels. They put their stamp of love and approval on each note, sending it with love to those whose ears it falls on. The musician is like an angel, spreading seeds of love and tenderness with each chord, each bar and note.

Messages from the Spirit World (13)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This is the key to make your world the way you want it. See what you want and tell your brain that you already have it. This goes way beyond visualization; it is a repeated acknowledgement of the way it is for you. Your subconscious already knows it but your conscious brain needs to be addressed. EVERY TIME, you have a thought or utter a word or perform a task that is not consistent with what you want, you MUST stop and redirect that thought, action or word. This is really very simple, however, you will only be successful if it is what you truly desire.

Messages from the Spirit World (12)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ask the Universe, the bountiful Universe, to provide and you will have all that you need and then some. It may not always come in the ways that you most expect; but you will have it all nonetheless.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (11)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Peace on earth can be found in the subtleties of a newly written love poem. Peace is to be found right here, right now and it starts with you - and you - and you. Each of mankind is responsible for the beginning of peace. "Let it start with me, Lord, let it start with me." Ask not what your leaders can do to ensure a lasting peace, rather ask yourself, “what can I do, right now, to help the cause along?” It is a battle to be won, one step at a time; one bigot at a time; one smile at a time.

Messages from the Spirit World (10)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

See the man who has no home and do not look down upon him, for with a small twist of fate that man could be you. As they say, “there, but for the grace of God, go I“. Each thing we do has an impact on something and someone. Every decision we make each day has meaning. Take your life seriously and you will learn a great deal. But you must have fun, for it is the nature of man. All animals enjoy themselves; Man should be no different.

Messages from the Spirit World (9)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Good Lord loves you like crazy. God loves all men, especially those who see the good in all people, who see the light and the spirit living in the heart of all men. It is to those that He bestows his highest honors; the ability to see the future, to hear the voices from the other side; and to understand the mysteries of the universe.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (8)

Friday, September 12, 2008

The heart is a vital organ, but it is only so much blood and tissue. The real vital organ is the spirit, the soul that passes from this body to the ethereal to the next realm of existence. It is important to nurture the spirit inside of you. You must feed it and love it and care for its well-being. Meditation is the best way to do this; focus on you, the soul inside, and the direction you want to go. It is a liberating feeling.

Messages from the Spirit World (7)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No human is evil at heart. The behavior may be bad or evil, but the soul inside is not. Every human has the capacity to love greatly and unconditionally but many choose not to accept this. Their life and all life would be best if all could be more God-like in their approach to humanity - love, love, love, respect and understanding. This is the key to world peace. How can you fight and harm another if you truly love him? Cannot be done.

Messages from the Spirit World (6)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Now is a good time for growth; and it is imperative that you seize every opportunity that comes your way. This is for all, it is a universal message. The timing is right, now on the earth plane, for humans to accomplish many great things, in faster and more powerful ways. The journey begins with one step, one thought in the right direction.

Messages from the Spirit World (5)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Will the Lord ever let you down? Never. You can choose to follow any religion, or not, it does not matter in the end. What matters is how you lived your life. How you accepted your challenges and conquered your fears. How you sat still in the face of darkness and embraced the loving light of others. How you accepted your fate as a changeable force and how you helped others to change according to their plan. How you loved, unconditionally, and how you helped others to do the same.

Messages from the Spirit World (4)

THOUGHTS AND WORDS ARE POWERFUL THINGS and can be directed in a positive or negative way. Never think badly of someone you love, it will hurt them. Never think badly of yourself, it hurts you, too. Take care to look to the good in all you meet and the world will become a better place for you.

Messages from the Spirit World (3)

You are the captain of your own ship, the ruler of your destiny and the designer of your own fate. How much more simple can it be? No one makes you, but YOU. No one steers your course of action but you. There may be obstacles in your way, true. IF you get rid of the ones that are self-imposed, you'll soon be trouble free. The other ones are there to help you grow a mite along the way.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (2)

Angels follow us where ever we go, even though we are not aware of it, nor do we seek help. All that stuff about guardian angels you learned when you were little was true; except, we have more than one angel with us at a time.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (1)

Act on what is in your heart and you will always do the right thing. It is important to listen to that little voice inside; for it is your inner self, your higher self, your spirit talking to you.