"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Friday, December 19, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (121)

Saturday, January 3, 2008

Seek ye the truth of the power of God. He alone can save you from a life of worry and suffering. Go to the light and you will be saved. Do not despair if it seems that you are not getting what you pray for. They will come to you when you are ready for them. God is all powerful and all knowing and He will provide you only those things which are in your best interest. Don’t push it; just go with the flow and thank God for all things.

Messages from the Spirit World (120)

Friday, January 2, 2008

Any step you make is a step in the right direction. The only sin is inactivity, or failure to try. If you believe in yourself, you will never fail.

Messages from the Spirit World (119)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year’s Day - It is a new start, the beginning of a new year. Time for people to put their past mistakes behind them and start anew. The truth is that each and every day is a new beginning; one that all should recognize and be thankful for.

Messages from the Spirit World (118)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year’s Eve - Today is a day for clearing out the old ways; of seeking out new and renewed friendships; and, for contacting the soul. Now, Go On With You, Have Fun and Enjoy Your Life!

Messages from the Spirit World (117)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do not be sad for the times you have missed; life is just as precious today as when you were 20. You are still the same soul. The body may have aged, but with it has come a wisdom borne of understanding. It is this understanding that brings you comfort and solace during the rough times.

Messages from the Spirit World (116)

Respect others for their way of life, for their decisions and always follow your own path; for only you know the way that is right for you.

Messages from the Spirit World (115)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Easily is the way richness will come to you, as long as you can let go and KNOW that the LORD WILL PROVIDE ALL YOU NEED. Worrying says to Him that you do not fully believe this yet. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? It is a most important concept. Put your energy into asking, or visualizing, or something equally as positive.

Messages from the Spirit World (114)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

We all have our crosses to bear. It provides us with the necessary challenges to learn what we set out to learn in this lifetime on earth.

Messages from the Spirit World (113)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Be kind to your neighbor; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat all living creatures with respect, love yourself and recognize God within. It is God's way and His wishes.

Messages from the Spirit World (112)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas is a feeling, a state of mind that can be had year-round. It is feeling love, warmth and kindness for your fellow human being. Everything seems magical at this time of year but really it is only the tenderness in everyone's heart that makes it so. There is no reason why this cannot be the normal state of life on the planet. Just ask for it and it will be so.

Messages from the Spirit World (111)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

There was indeed a Santa, many, many years ago. He was a kindly, old, rich recluse. He lived in the mountains and at Christmas would come out and bring toys and presents to all the children of the neighboring villages. He was used to being unseen and wanted to keep it that way, so he took pains to make sure no one saw him. The legend started from there.

Messages from the Spirit World (110)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is a magical time, because it is when men celebrate the coming of the Christ child, a blessed event to be sure. It is great to have lots of fun during this time, but just do not forget the true meaning of the holiday: a time of rebirth and renewal; a time for all men to recognize the God within and realize the potential we all have inside of us.

Messages from the Spirit World (109)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Do not forget the spirit inside, and the real reason for Christmas and its celebration. Many people are lonely and suffering this time of year. There is not much you can do for them, but pray and wish them well; and, appreciate what you do have: the love of family and the guidance of spirits.

Messages from the Spirit World (108)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sharing the holiday with family is a special thing. If you are alone, do not forget that you are a part of a larger group; that you always have your spiritual family with you.

Messages from the Spirit World (107)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Solstice (first day of winter) - The winter solstice is a powerful day. You truly can have and do all things that you desire. You can turn a gray day into a sunny day. It is all in HOW you perceive your world around you. See yourself as strong and vibrant, and that you will be. See yourself as beaten, and you will be that way, too. Thoughts are powerful things.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (106)

Friday, December 19, 2008

All things happen for a reason; ALL things. Sometimes the reason is not known to you; sometimes you are just a pawn in the universe's grand scheme of things. Many times others have to intervene on our behalf without their knowledge; never knowing the impact of their actions upon us. For example, a fender bender occurs, preventing you from arriving at a particular place on time; or allowing you the time to sit quietly in traffic and think about something that needs to be done. The person who caused the accident has done you a favor, unbeknownst to them.

Messages from the Spirit World (105)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Don’t want what others have; decide for yourself what it is that you need to be happy and make yourself feel fulfilled and then you shall have it.

Messages from the Spirit World (104)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why does man refuse to accept those things he cannot categorize? If he cannot explain it, then he ignores it. Could it possibly be a spirit visiting, making itself known to the human experience? "No," he says, "that does not compute with my understanding of life, so I choose to ignore it." Seeing is believing, but so, too, is understanding and faith.

Messages from the Spirit World (103)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The spirit lies within each of us, waiting to help our physical bodies accomplish whatever we want. Too few people utilize this great resource inside of them; if tapped into, it will create many wondrous things.

Messages from the Spirit World (102)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Smile as you see the signs of age upon your face; they are the true trophies of the time you have spent here. Never be ashamed of who you are, or what you are; they are what make you special, unique and the one that God loves.

Messages from the Spirit World (101)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Be kind to all men, to all strangers you meet. You do not know their story, what they are thinking or perhaps how they are suffering. It takes minimal effort to smile and be kind. Remember, God lies within each of us; when you are mean to someone, you are also mean to the God inside of them. We are all equal, and don't you ever forget it!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Messages from the Spirit World (100)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

IF you see the way you want to go, there is precious little to stop you. Knowing the direction and the destination are the hardest parts in attaining a goal of any kind.

Messages from the Spirit World (99)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Open your heart to goodness and light; always seek the light and you will be safe. God lies deep within, and He has the power to heal the body. Just ask and you will be healed. Ask and BELIEVE and it will happen.

Messages from the Spirit World (98)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

You should never allow yourself guilt, for it is most unproductive and serves no purpose. If you feel you have erred, then rectify that error if possible, or apologize to the injured party, or just forget it and vow never to repeat the mistake. After all, you ARE human, you know, so inherent in that are certain fallibilities.

Messages from the Spirit World (97)

Tuesday, December 10, 2008

Trust your instincts at all times; we all have them only many do not listen. Listen to that spirit inside and you will always choose right. Do not be afraid of the unknown, you can handle all manner of obstacles that are put in your path. It is these difficult challenges that help us to grow and that is the reason we are in this place; to learn and to grow and to advance along our spiritual path.

Messages from the Spirit World (94)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Going to church is good for the soul, but do not despair if you do not go; it should be a pleasure, not an obligation. Remember, that the purpose for religions is to bring people closer to God; it is not the thing unto itself, only the vehicle. If you choose to commune with God on your own, so be it. If you choose to do it with a group, so be it, too. He makes no distinction between the religious and non-religious; but rather, is more concerned with what is in a person's heart.

Messages from the Spirit World (95)

Monday, December 8, 2008

You worry too much’ is the statement that applies to most people of your time. Do you think a dog worries about an upcoming surgery? No. Even if they knew what was to happen to them, to them it is just one moment at a time. This is a most appropriate philosophy and way of life for humans as well. This does not mean ignore the things that you need to do to make you happy; you need to eat, but you also must feel good and healthy. So eat those things that make you feel good. IF a piece of chocolate cake makes your body feel good, then do it. If it is your mind that you want to satisfy, then have a good conversation with a friend. Dogs do not seek solace in a bowl of Purina, do they? No, they go to their owner for some affection. This is the same as humans should do. Watch your pets, or animals in the wild, and you will learn a great deal. Life and death are a natural part of the process, and this they understand. They have a vitality and zest for living, and no fear of dying, for them it is just the next step. Just as it is for you and you and you. Live in the moment. No, “what ifs”, please. And if you know that you have an unpleasant experience approaching, just ignore it for the moment. You can either do it with gusto, or don’t do it at all.

Messages from the Spirit World (96)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Take the time to be kind to a stranger, to help someone who needs and wants it. Help them for their sake, not yours. If you need the recognition that comes with providing the help, then don't give it; you're being selfish.