"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (324)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Spirits are funny creatures. They want all to be happy and for happy endings to be the norm. However, they are not beyond a good practical joke, and they love to laugh. Most have a great sense of humor; as love and humor are the two things that follow us into the next dimension.

Messages from the Spirit World (323)

Friday, July 24, 2009

The first major step is as simple as knowing what you want. Those other things are important, too, such as: asking or stating what you want; and, visualizing and correcting inconsistent behavior and thoughts; but the core is really knowing what you want and understanding that you have the power to change.

Messages from the Spirit World (322)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you do what you want, or do you do what others think you should do? Who is another to choose what is best for your soul? Even God cannot do that, for He has blessed you with free will. Only you can know what is best for YOUR soul; and, however well intentioned another person, let their decisions be about their own behavior.

Messages from the Spirit World (321)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The start of the new moon cycle is also a time of rebirth, or coming together of plans and ideas and putting them into action.

Messages from the Spirit World (320)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The outer trappings do not make the man. It IS the content of his character that matters; how much integrity he has; and, how true he is to his own soul.

Messages from the Spirit World (319)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fear not what the unknown is, for God is there to hold your hand when you are scared and lift you up when you are tired. Do not doubt for one instant that He is in you, and everywhere.

Messages from the Spirit World (318)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

There is no need for hostilities and anger; they will get you nowhere fast. Be calm and try to understand another's point of view. You may find that it is not so different from your own.

Messages from the Spirit World (317)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Know your own soul, your own way and make your own peace. We are each alone on our journeys, but connected in the same way. God watches and sees and knows all, and He approves. Love to you now, and throughout time. Your friends through the ages . . .

Messages from the Spirit World (316)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Take advantage of the rich resources the world has to offer, but make sure to give a little back; that is the cycle of life.

Messages from the Spirit World (315)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Find your true self in the inner you, and the light of God's love shining through your eyes will make you beautiful to all who have the good fortune to see your smile. In each of us there is an angel, wanting to be set free.

Messages from the Spirit World (314)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All of us in the human form have lessons to learn, and some of us learn quicker than others. If someone seems to be having recurring negative experiences, it is because he or she has not learned the lesson from them. This will continue until the lesson is learned, or the soul will return in the next life to live in the same manner. It really is much simpler than it seems.

Messages from the Spirit World (313)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God loves all men; He even loves those who scorn him. He has a great capacity for love and can give it, all the time, to all men equally. It is your choice to accept and relish in it or not.

Messages from the Spirit World (312)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sometimes when the body gets sick, it is because the mind has ignored it, and it needs the attention and the time of your focus. Sickness is one way this happens. When you are ill, you can only focus on taking care of necessary business and then getting some rest; in this way, you pamper yourself. You know you can pamper yourself without the necessity of the illness.

Messages from the Spirit World (311)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

There is but one God, but He can be perceived by the human mind as many different things. As long as you know this higher power exists and trust in it, how you visualize it makes no matter.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (310)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Seek the help of others, for no man is intended to go it alone. That is why God put all men so close together. If we didn’t need each other to survive, there would be only one.

Messages from the Spirit World (309)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Seek the truth above all else and you will always be on the right path. Be true to your purpose and your soul, and you will flourish.

Messages from the Spirit World (308)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

God loves you, and no matter what you do, He will always love you, okay? Do you understand how liberating this is? That no matter what bad thing it is that you think you have done, God will still love you for always and forever.

Messages from the Spirit World (307)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If you see the way, and you know the way, what is the problem? Why are you preventing yourself from getting to the place you want? Is it possible that you do not want that, after all?

Messages from the Spirit World (306)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Do not worry about how you look but rather about the kind of person you are. Are you kind and loving? Do you criticize too quickly? Do you covet what others have and become jealous. The truth is that for each and every action, there is a reaction, for that is the way of the universe. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Messages from the Spirit World (305)

Monday, July 6, 2009

What matters is the experiences you have had, what you have done with your life and how you have treated people. Have you wasted too much of yours on silliness? Well, what constitutes silliness? If it is wasteful to you, then it is so. But what is waste to one is treasure to another. So, do not be quick to judge another, as you never know what is their treasure or their trash.

Messages from the Spirit World (304)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If all men understand that we are part of each other; that to hurt another human is to truly hurt oneself, then there will be no need for violence, for wars and for aggression. So much more can be accomplished through cooperation.