"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (240)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

If you see scorn in another's eyes, DO not allow yourself to be drawn to another's level unless it is your desire to do so. If you react with malice in your heart, how much better are you than the one who scorns you? Do you not see that all of mankind ARE equal, none is the better, nor is any the worse. God loves each and every one of you.

Messages from the Spirit World (239)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Go to the light when you are afraid, it is a shield from all bad things; it will soothe your very soul and help rejuvenate it. Just picture yourself standing with the beautiful, warm ray of God's love pouring down from the sky onto you.

Messages from the Spirit World (238)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do not take things for granted. Appreciate every beautiful aspect of nature; a panorama of sights to be seen daily. Every bit of it is precious, so stop and look and appreciate what you have.

Messages from the Spirit World (237)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pity the soul who cannot and will not find its way; it is desperate and lonely and seeks the earthly pleasures alone. Hedonism is not necessarily bad, but there must be balance in all things. Too much pleasure of the flesh without thought to the one inside is not healthy, and will set up the physical body for disappointment.

Messages from the Spirit World (236)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The way to God is through love of self and love of others

Messages from the Spirit World (235)

Monday, April 27, 2009

The more you worry about a particular unpleasant situation, the more it is drawn into your vibration. Your thoughts are powerful. What you dream and think about, and talk about are drawn to you like a magnet.

Messages from the Spirit World (234)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

When you are frustrated with a situation, and you feel like things are just plain getting in your way, remember that ALL THINGS HAPPEN FOR A PURPOSE. Sometimes, you will not know what that purpose is; and at other times, you'll know straight off.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (233)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Freedom is an interesting concept, for so many think they have it when indeed they are enslaved by their desires, their false hopes and dreams, and the feeling that they will never be able to afford the things they really want. That is a shame, for true freedom comes with a sense of self; of knowing the One True God; from speaking your mind; and, allowing your heart to be free.

Messages from the Spirit World (232)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Seek the truth, and the answers will find their way to you.

Messages from the Spirit World (231)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do not allow yourself to feel guilt for things that have happened; rather learn from them and see them as a valuable learning tool.

Messages from the Spirit World (230)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If you do not treat yourself, your body with respect, how can you expect others to respect you. Respect must start at 'home', so to speak.

Messages from the Spirit World (229)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We surround you with God's love and light; we watch over you every day in every way; we are always with you.

Messages from the Spirit World (228)

Monday, Aparil 20, 2009

No one expects anything of you, other than you be true to yourself. This is very important. Forget everything you always thought about how you 'should' be, and just be. "I think, therefore, I am." No truer words were ever spoken, unless they be, "God loves you and will protect you and your everlasting soul".

Messages from the Spirit World (227)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Have fun and enjoy the family that you have. Remember, that your spiritual family is with you always, too, so you are never alone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (226)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Material things really are not important. You can have all you want because they are immaterial in the grand scope of things. They serve only to make you more comfortable on this earth plane.

Messages from the Spirit World (225)

Friday, April 17, 2009

We do not have to approve of all men, of what they say and do, or what they believe in, but we do have to have unconditional love and respect for all.

Messages from the Spirit World (224)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Never doubt or second guess the answers that come through instinct. They are usually right on. When you don't give your conscious brain time to think about things, your subconscious or your higher self, with that voice that is your soul, shows through.

Messages from the Spirit World (223)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Say a prayer for all you meet; it will help them and it will help you!

Messages from the Spirit World (222)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We all get angry, it is a normal human emotion. It is important to not let that one emotion overpower the rest.

Messages from the Spirit World (221)

Monday, April 13, 2009

All of life is available to all men, just for the asking, pure of heart and for the believing it will be so. For if you ask one hundred times each day, and do not believe you shall have what you want, you will not have it. If you ask, with heart pure, motivation selfless and from a place of goodness and light, you will have it before you know. Most of us ask with a mindset somewhere between the two. The closer you can get to the latter, the faster you will have the things you desire.

Messages from the Spirit World (220)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trust in God: you will never die lonely. Believe in Him: you will have a friend for all time. Know He exists: you will be guaranteed a spot in the kingdom of heaven.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (219)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We all have destinies, but can choose to ignore them. The destiny is the path we choose before we are born; including the lessons we want to learn.

Messages from the Spirit World (218)

Friday, April 10. 2009

Picture yourself as you want to be and, in time, you will be that way. If you picture yourself a failure, you will fail. If you picture yourself a success, with all the things you want, you will have it all.

Messages from the Spirit World (217)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The life after is something many of us speculate about. It is beautiful and peaceful, but we do not experience the dramatic highs and lows like we do on earth. Rejoice in your humanness; you will have plenty of time to understand the other side once you have passed. Seize the day and rejoice in life.

Messages from the Spirit World (216)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Above all, is love. It is the one thing that binds us all together; and is the one thing that can save you from the worst nightmare and give you peace on this earth plane (and, in heaven, too).

Messages from the Spirit World (215)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Never turn your back on an honest request for help. It will be an opportunity for growth.

Messages from the Spirit World (214)

Monday, April 6, 2009

If you are tired, then rest your body. If you have energy, then run and move your body. If you feel the need for solitude, then sit and be quiet. If you feel the need for camaraderie, well then seek out your friends and form a union.

Messages from the Spirit World (213)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Don't be in such a hurry all the time. You know you will get to your destination regardless of how much you press, and you should take the time to enjoy your life along the way. It is okay to work hard, but then, you must balance it with hard play. Smell the flowers, speak with old friends, imbibe of liquorous drinks and just plain have some fun.