"New Age Tip of the Day" from Shanti and other loving Spirits

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (177)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

If you are so anxious for something, in your haste, you are in some ways pushing it away from you still. You need not be in such a hurry as it is better to enjoy each day in each moment as it comes to you; and that way you will enjoy the process as well as the end result.

Messages from the Spirit World (176)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Soon you must slow down and quiet your mind for the results you desire. Granted, there are some responsibilities that you cannot or rather, choose not to ignore; this is fine, but not all that you do is of the utmost urgency. If you tire your body without your mind, that is not always good; in turn, if you quiet your mind without your body, that is not in balance either. Balance is all important, the ying and the yang, the light and the dark, the good and the bad (all of these are conditional, and relative to your own world).

Messages from the Spirit World (175)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Luck is, of course, a matter of attitude. If you think you are and expect that you will be, then there you are. Of course, it is also a matter of definition. If luck brings you back to peace, then okay. If it means winning above all else, then maybe not.

Messages from the Spirit World (174)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There is payback for everything, good and bad. You do reap as you sow. Be kind to others and kindness will envelope you all the days of your life. Be generous and you will always have what you need and never want for material things. Give of your heart and your will always feel love.

Messages from the Spirit World (173)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You need not be afraid of anyone or anything for eternal life is your guarantee. God has promised you a happy ending. If you choose not to believe this, well then, that is your right as a freethinking, free choosing individual.

Messages from the Spirit World (172)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The way is not always clear or easy, but He will guide, guard and direct you; only for the asking.

Messages from the Spirit World (171)

Smile now, see the beauty that lies inside of you; go with the ones you love, always, for they will keep you strong and safe.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (170)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

When you want something, go for it! Ask for it and never give up. You will have it sooner or later. The more you ask for it; believe it will be yours; and, trust in the Lord to give it to you, the sooner you shall have it.

Messages from the Spirit World (169)

Friday, February 20, 2009

There is a beginning and ending to most things in life. Death is a beginning; birth is an ending. Hard to comprehend for someone in your place, but it is true as you will find when you make your transition.

Messages from the Spirit World (168)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Never take anything for granted, it dulls the senses. Stop and smell the roses, so to speak, and you will enjoy life much, much more.

Messages from the Spirit World (167)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just imagine: if God is all powerful, which He is; and, if God is inside of us, which He is; then, that makes all men powerful, and you are! Man can do anything he sets his mind to.

Messages from the Spirit World (166)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sink deep into your own mind and you will connect with that which is part of all infinity. Do not think with your rational mind, but rather feel with the intuitive part of your subconscious.

Messages from the Spirit World (165)

Monday, February 16, 2009

You can choose to be with the Man, the Lord, the One True and Absolute Being, or you can choose to turn away from the light, and be held in the dark abyss which is the absence of His Divine Love. It truly IS YOUR choice. You can choose now or later; the sooner you decide that you have selected the Lord to reside in your heart as well as your body, the sooner the fun begins! He will watch over your eternal self, the soul, and makes sure that no harm comes to you. The physical body is but a mere vehicle, one that must be honored and cherished beyond all else.

Messages from the Spirit World (164)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some opportunities do not come in a good package; often there is great pain that precedes it. In fact, the pain is often the opportunity; that is, the chance to learn and grow.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Messages from the Spirit World (163)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

God loves all; He wants us to love all, too. To accept a stranger and his ways, to understand that different is not bad, just different. How boring would life be if all people were the same? It would be like all flowers being daisies; or, all dogs being poodles. Not bad, but just boring. Variety IS the spice of life, and it is yours for the taking.

Messages from the Spirit World (162)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jesus walks the earth now, so do not turn your back on a stranger seeking help; you just never know who he really is.

Messages from the Spirit World (161)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

DO not see the world through the eyes of a cynic; rather see it through the sight of a blind man, upon waking and finding his vision for the very first time. How wondrous the world around you is! See it now, feel it, breathe the life force that you know exists in every creature, and enjoy!

Messages from the Spirit World (160)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The coming together for a greater good is what will save the planet, both physically and spiritually.

Messages from the Spirit World (159)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sometimes, the things we do in anonymity are more valuable, for we do them from a place of love not publicity. If you truly have love in your heart for yourself, your fellow people and for all creatures, you will live a happy and prosperous life.

Messages from the Spirit World (158)

Monday, February 9, 2009

The full moon is a time for lovers, a time to reminisce, a time to see the world through rose-colored eyes, a time to dream.

Messages from the Spirit World (157)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Have patience in all things you do. It will take you a long way and help you get what you want in the end.